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#3 Vs. Bb Elite


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My 2004 #3 fells just as tough as my BB Elite. Sometimes it seems that the Elite is almost a step easier than the #3.

Does anyone else concur on this???

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This will probably turn into a long, drawn out thread but the simple answer is: Grippers vary.

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I have three BBE's and have tried about 20 odd #3's (no 2005's though). Only one (sold to the Diesel Crew) of the #3's was harder than the easiest BBE.

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caruso definitely hit the money on this one.

my 3 is equivalent to my BBE in difficulty. the set is ridiculously hard.

yet, my friends 3, i should say, is much more representative to the 3's proclaimed poundage/wire size.

yeah, it comes down to gripper variances. but to have 3's that are that difficult, come on now Iron Mind. I know they don't want as many people to certify, but wasn't the credit card close enough to do so?

did they really need to make the 3 that hard?

whatever, my two cents. you can talk about gripper variance all day long, but i am tired of reading about it.

bottom line: caruso is right. i am right. our 3's are as tough as our elites.

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Just for fuel on the fire, my friend got an Elite. This this was such a brick it was rediculous. To the point where I thought that either this one was defectively hard, or that these SE's and 4's people are closing must be sooo hard that it is beyond my comprehension of how anyone could close them. I mean, I would say that I was able to bear the pain of a cheat close only twice, and this was that the point where the 3 I had was not that hard with a decently wide set. Now granted that this Elite was the only gripper I have handled harder then a 3. But still, if they really are that hard, I need a stepping stone gripper between the 3 and the elite....lol

But all in all, grippers vary, sometimes like in this case, ALOT!

Edited by Anuwbius
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My elite is much harder than my 3. Besides that Josh pretty much said it all.

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Totally agree with Josh and Shane---THEY VARY. That said my BBE is much harder than my 2004 #3. Mike

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My 2 cents - gripper do vary - but what I've seen...

the older Elites - typically have a narrower set and are approximate to a medium to hard #3.

The newer Elites have been much harder....

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I have one almost hard as the Elite

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My 2 cents - gripper do vary - but what I've seen...

the older Elites - typically have a narrower set and are approximate to a medium to hard #3.

The newer Elites have been much harder....


Should say:

the older Elites - typically have a narrower set and are approximate to a medium to hard newer #3.

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Morgan Guthner has a #3 that I borrowed and its as hard as a new elite. Ive also got a newer #3 that is much harder then the older narrower elites. Grippers vary which is a good thing in my opinion.


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And for Austin it doesn't matter because he can crush all of them, one of the quietest powerfull crushers on the board!

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hey guys,

I know that grippers vary, but I was just wondering if anyone else's grippers felt the same as mine

thank you for the replies

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I have a 2003 #3 (2 7/8" spread) and a 2.5" BBE. Sweep of the BBE is easier than the #3 but final crush is harder - but not by that much. Not as much as I'd hoped for. I wanted the first level "tweener" between my 3 and 4. I've already closed the BBE several times. Oh well... the BBE is still an awesome gripper and a well-made piece of equipment.

I agree with he who stated, "gripper variance is a good thing" (except for certification).

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Train hard and see which one you close first. That's the easier one!

Really, my BBE is harder than my #3 (both 2004), but not by too much. At first I thought they were identical, because they were both bricks! Now I'm getting close on the #3, so I can tell the difference.

Still, looks like I'm gonna have to get something harder for negatives to get my #3 mashed once I get back into serious crush training.

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ok guys are u ready for this,

I have a 2004 #3 and a BBe . I can shut the elite....the #3 is still 1/2" away!!

I believe that I once told napalm about this in a chat and he agreed that it is possible.



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My #3 is about average compared to ones I've tried. My elite is much tougher probably like a 3.4.

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I have a 2004 #3 and a BBe . I can shut the elite....the #3 is still 1/2" away!!


freakin unbelievable (but i def believe you) :cool

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My Elite is much harder than any #3 I've tried so far, that includes newer #3 (the 2004 models) and older single stamped ones.

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By design the Elite is supposed to be harder, it has a larger spring size. So with equal spring mounting depth and similar spreads the Elite should be significantly harder. My 2004 #3 and my Elite are both flush mounts and 2.8 spreads. My Elite is much harder than the new #3 especially in that last 1/4 where all the tough ones are hardest.

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By design the Elite is supposed to be harder, it has a larger spring size. So with equal spring mounting depth and similar spreads the Elite should be significantly harder. My 2004 #3 and my Elite are both flush mounts and 2.8 spreads. My Elite is much harder than the new #3 especially in that last 1/4 where all the tough ones are hardest.

Hey Paul did you use your 2004 #3 for your MM0 cert? Is that the one with the 2.8" spread? I have two 2004 #3's and one 2005 #3 and they all have 3" spreads! :whacked However, my Elite is just under 2.75" which makes it pretty close in difficulty to my #3's. The Elite is only harder at the close.

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