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Need Some Advice


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Hey guys,

I am going to try to keep this as short as possible, so as not to bore you all lol. I had originally planned to get strong lower arms (forearms + wrist + hands), and went about it by including block training, gripper training, sledge levering, wrist curling, and wrist rolling. Then later I decided to focus on gripper training alone, via KTA, and have went from not being able to close the trainer to just about mastering the one - so far. I plan to continue training the grippers via KTA with short breaks inbetween cycles until I have mastered the #3. Then, my plan is to focus on other kinds of lower arm strength. Not hand strength feats, but rather other kinds of lower arm strength.

What I wanted to know, so I can plan ahead, is what you guys think are integral parts of lower arm strength, that I should focus on when I am done with the grippers and only need to maintain my strength with them? I have read mastery of hand strength, and have a few ideas, but I would like to know the opinions of more advanced grip athletes who have went threw the whole process.



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Also, if you could provide some goals to acheive within the particular field of lower arm strength training, it would be very helpful. For example, the #3 for grippers, etc.



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I did cycles with new goals related to other feats. Such as blobs and pinching goals.

I would also think about purchasing a Formulator. I never did wrist work until I bought one.

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I would also think about purchasing a Formulator. I never did wrist work until I bought one.

Thanks for your reply Bill. What's a formulator?

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