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Anyone Had Similiar Results?


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Have any of you tried a light to medium workout in the morning, fresh no squats no other exercise, then 8 + hours more do a serious body workout like squats then do a heavy or hard grip workout and still be strong or stronger on the grippers? Kinda like preloading the grip for later? I have had some success with this but have not done it regularly to have a good answer. Also this isn't a semantical debate as far as "what is light or heavy" its relative to what you do, not how many reps I do or what ever, just general in reps/sets for you personaly. Thanks

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actually thats what i normally do. :D

i dont kill my grip at anytime though (need it for work and judo)

i like it, i get more volume without the pain of a long workout.

and i feel fresh like i didnt do any grip work come my second practice in the evening.

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I notice if I do heavy squats, then do grippers I am stronger. If I do running, then do the grippers, the grip is weak, If I do bodyweight squats, then do a gripper I am stronger. :blink

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definitely got the same results too. i have only done it like two or three times, but some reason i can get some real good squeezes that night. :D

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oddly enough yesterday I did heavy DL's, db presses, and weighted chins. I had a guy from work with me and immediately after the workout we were talking grippers and I closed the #3 for him with no prior gripper warm ups, suprised myself as the DL's and Chins, taxed my hands "or so I thought"

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