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Crush And Blob Work


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I'm currently in training for my upcoming MMG2 cert.

Here's my dilemma: I want to work in my crush and blob work, but I'd like to get some feedback as to the best way I could do this.

Should I train crush and blobs the same day, or do them each on different days?

I do my crush work twice a week - usually Mon./Thurs.

Should I also work in the blobs immediately after the crush routine - kinda like a finisher?? Or when should I do them??

Looks like Sybersnott needs your :help

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:blush First of all, I've been following your advise so far- but here's my 2:

I've noticed from my years of hammerwork (until recently, my main source for grip training) that anything open hand, like playing solitaire 'catch' with a large shot put [sort of a 'blobish' tool] after the hammers, felt actually better because my hands were so engorged with blood.

Also, I, personally feel, that after being exposed to grippers; I recover faster and can fit in an extra workout with the open hand stuff.

The open hand work feels more natural, with more blood and forearm involved- maybe faster healing. Seems this way to me. :unsure

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I'd do pinch first in a workout then crush in the same. Don't expect your crush to be on par with crush only workouts. :)

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I'd do pinch first in a workout then crush in the same. Don't expect your crush to be on par with crush only workouts. :)

On this note, do you think it's possible to continue to increase your crush and blob strength, while doing both in the same workout? Or, do you think they'd each develop better/faster by doing them in separate workouts?

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On this note, do you think it's possible to continue to increase your crush and blob strength, while doing both in the same workout?  Or, do you think they'd each develop better/faster by doing them in separate workouts?

Well, Ryan... I think that's what I'm asking. :rolleyes

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I'd agree with Bill. Working the compound movement (pinch) before the isolation (crush). So the thumb gets hit maximally and isn't limited by finger fatigue during the blob work. But I'd work up to at least one single attempt on a "goal" gripper first to gauge your crush progress since that's your goal. Doing a little crush work first didn't hurt my pinch.

If doing both in the same workout, I'd prefer shorter but more frequent workouts (>2X per week).

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If you want to significantly bring your pinch up, specialize. Pinch only except a few token gripper closes at the end of a workout.

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On this note, do you think it's possible to continue to increase your crush and blob strength, while doing both in the same workout?  Or, do you think they'd each develop better/faster by doing them in separate workouts?

Well, Ryan... I think that's what I'm asking. :rolleyes

Haha... I guess I just wanted to reiterate your question to suit my own needs. I'm just greedy like that. :kiss:D

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I find that doing pinch first in the same workout ruins crush. Doing grippers first however does not spoil my pinch. Better not to ask though, but to experiment and find out for yourself what works for you. You could be the exception to the majority. A lot depends on the endurance of the hands for heavy exercise.

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Since you are concentrating on the MMG2 cert. I would say do the gripper work first followed by low volume blob work and any additional crush work on the same day.

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I find that doing pinch first in the same workout ruins crush. Doing grippers first however does not spoil my pinch.

I find the same.

Work the movements that seem like a closed fist first, then move on to open hand stuff.

The first attempts at the open hand may feel cramped and tired, but if you allow your hands to rest a bit and then hit the big pinch again, you should be good.

At least this is what I have seen.


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I experimented last night, and did some crushing on grippers... then went out and did some blob work. At first I wasn't at my strongest, but a few minutes into it, I was making good progress, and being tired from crush didn't seem to hinder my pinching too much. I'll probably keep on doing it that way. :D

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Same here. Open hand work KILLS crush in the same workout.

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I find that doing pinch first in the same workout ruins crush. Doing grippers first however does not spoil my pinch.

I find the same.

Work the movements that seem like a closed fist first, then move on to open hand stuff.

The first attempts at the open hand may feel cramped and tired, but if you allow your hands to rest a bit and then hit the big pinch again, you should be good.

At least this is what I have seen.


Definitely the same for me! I am training with Blobs as a priority right now 6 days a week. I also train my crush 6 days and my hands seem to take the frequency quite well. I am one of the those guys who are perfect adaptors for KTA-type workouts. Anyway, I find that training the grippers before the Blobs allows me have more quality in my workouts. And yes, the first and/or second Blob lift will feel weak, but will become stronger after. So in conclusion, I agree that I have better hand workouts if I start from closed-wide. For example, if I were to train all around hand strength in one day, I would start with grippers, followed by 2" thickbar and ending with Blob work. ;)

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I'm currently in training for my upcoming MMG2 cert.

Here's my dilemma:  I want to work in my crush and blob work, but I'd like to get some feedback as to the best way I could do this.

Should I train crush and blobs the same day, or do them each on different days?

I do my crush work twice a week - usually Mon./Thurs. 

Should I also work in the blobs immediately after the crush routine - kinda like a finisher??  Or when should I do them??

Looks like Sybersnott needs your  :help

hey syber,

this ones been beaten to death already :whistel

good luck on the mm2, kill it.

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I would say do the gripper work first followed by low volume blob work and any additional crush work on the same day.

I'm going to try this for my next workout. Thanks David! :D

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