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Kta And Dynamic Thumb


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I was wondering if anyone has tried using KTA principles for the dynamic thumb part? Train the thumb while doing KTA the same way you train the grippers. Just an idea, I tried it today and seemed pretty cool.

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Yes. Sometimes I'd do dynamic pinching on the ISG. I'd alternate between wide & narrow pinch, doing negatives and overcrushes in both positions KTA style. I always thought this would be a great way to develop full-range pinching strength, but haven't really heard of others trying this.

The TTK is great for thumb isolation, but I don't like it for "pinching" like the ISG. I do mostly negatives on it, but finish with 1-2 overcrushes with less weight to pound the last little bit of the range.

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Rick Walker wrote KTA the Blob and I've used it with my own personal twist to bring my pinch to new heights, so it's been done before and can be done.

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