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What are the most and the fastest gains you guys have made?

When you had a tough time with the #1 until you hit the #2....

Before you could close the #2 until you were able to no set it....

Or when you were unable to close the #1 until you could close the #3.

Pinching plates.....

Lifting the blob....

Tearing a deck of cards....

How far have you guys come along with your gripping and other hand work? I'd be interested to see where people started at and where you are now however long it took you. Back to Clay's article he said that he wasn't much of nothing when he started but just went at it hard and we see now he is one of the top hand strength guys.

I think this will give people, including myself, some inspiration to hear that people started from down low and progressed to the big leagues :bow .

Also, could you mention with or without KTA, I just got it so this will pump me up even more when I start it, lol.

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#2 to BBSM=2 weeks=BSSM the less strong one=Using J.A.G.

#1 to #2=12 years

#3= 1/2 to close.

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I got my CoC1 on Jan 15th, could close it 7 times, now Im 30+

Mid Feb got my CoC2 and now I can close it 5-7 times with a CC set. 0 times table no set :( I think my pinky is weak so Im starting to focus on that.

Curently I'm working on my HG300 which is still about 1/4 inch away and I can get my CoC3 within an inch.

So I've been working crush grip for 3 months or so. I think I've already hit my first wall too. :(

Edited by Captain Crunk
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How far have you guys come along with your gripping and other hand work? I'd be interested to see where people started at and where you are now however long it took you.

I was one of the "weaklings" when I started. I honestly could not close the Trainer when I first got it about 12-14 months ago.

I'm currently overcrushing my BBM, have my HG250 down to about the smallest gap I can have without it being shut(I think chalk to keep the relatively slick handles from sliding in my hand would give me the close), and I have my 3"-spread #2 down to about 1/4-1/8". I use my other hand to position the gripper, but not to assist with the close... so it's not a true TNS program, but it's not an assisted set either.

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I got my COC #2 6 months ago and I closed it after 10 days .

I got my #3 3 months ago I closed it afer 2 months my goal

now is to no set close my #3 . :)

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I've never tracked the amount of time it took to accomplish a goal but here's some things I couldn't do at first but can do now:

-lift a 30 lb blob lefthanded

-lift a 35 lb'er with either hand

-lift 2 25 lb plates

-lift 4 10's

Also, I couldn't close any of my grippers when I first got them except for a HG100. Since then I've gone on to do HG 150, BB Adv and SA, an old IM #1 and a new one. Next up is a #2 (got it down to 1/16" today).*

* all closes are righthanded, with the left I've done the HG100, BB Adv and the old #1.


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Lifted weights; trained crush on my ISG 10+ years (off/on). Started working it very consistently (again!...) in 2003--not great progress...

Feb 20, 2004:

Got KTA and IM grippers. Practiced the technique/set on T. Couldn't close #1! So yeah, I was definately a weakling when I started, especially considering I was by no means a beginner in lifting or grip work.

Feb 22: Closed #1 (barely)

March 23: Started first "real" KTA cycle

May 21: Closed #2 and BBM

Sept 24: Closed BBSM

NOW: 2004 #3 down to ~1/4" (only 3 I've tried--but definately a beast compared to my BBSM); focusing on pinch/wrist ATM...

Never trained pinch except for fooling around a few times. Tried 2 narrow 20 lb. standard plates before I started KTA--could barely DL them! Just started a few weeks ago--progressing quickly! Must have got good strength base from KTA.

Current goal is 35's. Got some air (~1") under them today :rock --can DL them with help from a pinky/thumb on my other hand & hold for a few seconds on neg's no prob! 2-hand pinch PR 140 lb. with 45's and added wt. Can toy with 25's and carry them around for fun after my brutal workouts (well, around my tiny living room!).

Tried cards for awhile. Rarely trained them. Went from killing myself grunting through 28 to destroying 42 in 3 months. I'd occasionaly just quarter 28 (easy) to GTG and go for a PR if I "felt" it. Recently tore 44 just for the hell of it to get a new PR, hadn't trained this in months. Maybe I'll start training for the full deck soon if I get around to it? Tore a 1" phonebook into quarters last night--then tore the pieces like cards. I was bored. The first lengthwise tear took ~5 sec. I never train this. This "feat" absolutely baffled me many months ago when I tried--couldn't even put a dent in it going through the binding!

So I've been at it a year, and definately no world-class feats here, but not a weakling anymore!

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NICE WORK!!!!!! rying!! :bow

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I haven't tracked it closely, but in a little over a year gripping.

Bent 6"x1/4HRS first workout, now 7" red max.

Close my #1 for a dozen, now my #2 for 6 PR.

Thick bar 135, now 155.

Couldn't tear a deck, now I can with some of the mid-road brands.

Could have worked much harder but good progress none the less. Going to try KTA soon, I think, to up my gripper abilities.

Mathas and rying, good work. Way to keep at it.

Edited by MikeP
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Took me a year almost to the dot to get the #3. No KTA, just training with all the information presented here on the board. Somewhere in that year (it my first year of grip training) I tore some moderate cards, but never considered myself good at it.

As for bending, it was all styles for me. Up untill I tried reverse style, I couldnt get anything worth mentioning. With that style I got to a 6" Grade 5. Then the high DO technique came into play for me at the begining of last summer and I was able to take down reds confidently by the end of the summer.

For pinching and such, I got some 25 lb hex blocks and within bout 4-6 months was able to get em up with one finger. About 4 months ago that included my pinky.

Bout a month in a half ago got a Blob50. Broke it off the ground in about a week, but have stalled there. I can break it off the ground if I am healed and well rested, and have locked it out once, but I feel I am facing a steep strength curve to be able to get it like I want. My goal is a 2 finger lift.

My thick handled stuff blows. I got a 2.5" crusher, and while I have not given it much training, have yet to break 145 lbs.

I started my training at the end of the summer of 2003. Red and #3 happened summer 2004.

I must say, that this board, its members, information, comradery and so on helped me more then I can say. I dont post much, but everyone here kicks ass. Just thought I would share.

Edited by Anuwbius
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I started training grip back in October, with an old gripper about equivalent to a #1. I could only close it for 1 to 2 reps.

I received my COC grippers for Christmas, and I just barely closed the #2 the first day I got it.

Now I can close the #3 (see my gallery), and rep with the HG300 and HG400.

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Yes definately, a lot of progress too. Sometimes people lull in working towards their goals in strength aspects, its tough to keep on trudging along but those who stick with it reap the benefits.

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NICE WORK!!!!!! rying!! :bow

haha, i like your name.

Actually most of the time the only blood I get on my gripper is from doing Dead Lifts and tearing up my shins. Then being in a delirious state of mind after heavy DL's I would start on my gripper work out before cleaning the blood off....ROFL!!! Hence the name BloodyGripper!! I try not to tear up my hands too bad because then I can't continue my grip training until my hand heals or I would have to wrap it everytime.

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when i first started i....

closed the #1 out of package

couldn't kink 1/4" steel

couldn't pinch 2 25's

could barely budge my #4

Now I can.....

1/4" away on #3

bend G5 (reverse style)

pass 2 25's back and forth all day, pinch 4 10's

can get my #4 down to 1/2" with assitance and hold for negatives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got my #1 and #2 CoC grippers a week ago, (March 31).

I closed the number one on my second attempt, but couldn't do it again the whole night.

The next day I could do four reps on #1, the next day 12 reps.

It's been a week and I no longer try for reps, the #1 is easy. I can close the #2 while holding the spring with my other hand. It's cheating, I know, but it's a stepping stone to a true #2 close.

I have to take a couple days off due to excessive skin loss on my ring fingers, but I can't wait to attack my #2 fresh again.

Good thread, by the way.

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When I first started

could pinch 2 25's now i can do 2 35's (next the 45's)

had trouble with a 20lb hex block weight now i use single fingers

could bend a 3/16 CRS of about 6in now i can use 1/4,

I love progress and this is a great place to learn.


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I got my #1 and #2 CoC grippers a week ago, (March 31).

I closed the number one on my second attempt, but couldn't do it again the whole night.

The next day I could do four reps on #1, the next day 12 reps.

It's been a week and I no longer try for reps, the #1 is easy. I can close the #2 while holding the spring with my other hand. It's cheating, I know, but it's a stepping stone to a true #2 close.

I have to take a couple days off due to excessive skin loss on my ring fingers, but I can't wait to attack my #2 fresh again.

Good thread, by the way.

Closed the #1 first day second attempt and closed the #2(little help) within a week. Watch out grip world, here he comes. What prior grip training did you have?

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I was given COC (T- #3) by a friend @2 weeks ago. Shut the #2 for 10 (casual) for my friend to show appreciation. Didn't really mess with the three, but I definitely knew it wasn't easy.

Found this forum shortly after [also picked up a PDA262.] Closed the 262 right away, but didn't really rep it because of some of the tips I got about 'holds' from the forum.

Second 'educated' workout, a few days later, got the #3 to a hair from shut- then it pushed back to @half a cm. It was a No-set, but I did use my thumb on the back handle {just a tiny bit] to keep it from slipping. I think I grabbed a little high from what I've seen here on how to do it.

A few days ago I did the same thing without the thumb.

I'm not new to working the grip. I'm a big fan of indian club work with sawed off hammers. However, I find these grippers very interesting, and an excellent way to work on my crushing; especially past the width of a hammer handle.

I've always been fooling around with all kinds of open hand tasks [rocks, logs, etc.] but never got formal about it. I plan on working the 'pinch' grip much more and would like to control two 45's.

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Glut great results bro. How long and intense was your gripping before? I only have wrestling for 8 years as my gripping background and could only hit the #2 for one when I got them a few months ago. I think its pretty impresive when people that are fairly new to gripping can jump in and make a good push at the #3 like that.

Also, I've seen a few pics on the net (a video of Brookfields too) doing the clubs. Can you throw some pics in your gallery of what your tools look like? ie the sawed off hammers, indian clubs, etc...

Keep the good work up man!

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I've been doing the hammers for years. I came up with the idea on my own back when I was in high school. Later on, I was instructed on different methods; but, as with most I know, I prefer the ones I've developed through the years.

I strongly suggest you do the exercises I put on your 'crushing strength' thread. They really work your body to a well timed animal strong.

The hammers are just hammers- except you'll want to cut the handles about half way, or else it's just too much on the wrists to do a full body routine. Don't worry; less than half a handle is still enough, if you train right. Also, try to keep the handles plain old wood- unless you want to put pipe insulation on your lighter ones. Sand off any glossy crap they may be coated with, also.

I suggest you go all the way up to 16 pounders, and then stick small weights to the sides after that- 'JB' weld works pretty good. For much more weight, slide olympic sized plates down the handles and weld them down. You could duct tape them, but make sure everything's solid and symmetrical or it will screw you up when you work out. Two Ironmind wrist re-enforcers would probably be a plush alternative to the hammers- but I've never tried them. They are very similar to the specially made 'clubs' my old trainer had, though.

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Vertical timeline

Received IM Trainer and 1 10/11/04

Closed trainer several times. Shut 1 to almost parallel






10/31/04 Closed 1 infront of lots of witnesses

Set goal to close 2 by New Years EVe




Ordered 2 and 3 (couldnt get 2 to parallel..and the 3....duh It made me cry ;)








12/31/04 Attempt #2 w/ several onlookers, and 2 photgraphers. Still about 2 pennies away....and NO good shots :(







1/11/05 3 month anniversery of getting grippers. Still could not close the #2






2/11/05 four months after heading down this road I finally closed the #2



2/24/05 Killed the 2 with a cc set, and held it for 5 sec.s with witnesses. Even got a camera phone video.




Those are my milestones for now. I have closed the 2 about 12 times since the 24th, and even a couple back to back (not reps). The most I can muster is 4 closes in one day.

Although I dont think I will meet my goal of closing the #3 by June of this year, I certainly think 6/6/06 will be a reality :banger:

Good luck to you in your quest.


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2-9-05 Received T, 1, 2

Was able to close T but was an inch from closing #1.


Started being able to close #1


a penny away from closing #2

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