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Hose Clamps


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ok i finally bought a hose clamp, i put it on my gripper and its so tight of course that the knurling where i put it came off. I dont know if im liking this since i need that knurling so the gripper dosnt slide in my hand. Do you gusy get that too and if so what do you do about it?

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My 3 has a bit of the knurling off the VERY VERY top, only the width of the hoseclamp. This doesn't bother me at all, since I never have my hand that high. Aesthetically I think it gives the gripper some character, same with lack of knurling from grinding it. Its a reminder of everything you guys went throught together ;)

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Yes that happens to me too. It bothered me at first because the sun rose and set on my gorgeous grippers. But now I think it gives them character and it also helps me get stronger , so they are serving their purpose!!

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hmmmm, my brand new elite now is a lill bruised. Oh well thats what he gets for being so hard. I liked seeing it nice and unblemished though.

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Having a pristine gripper is like having a 4x4 with no scratches or mud on it--what's the point. An experienced gripper is like an old friend. Every little mark has some story attached to it.

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Having a pristine gripper is like having a 4x4 with no scratches or mud on it--what's the point.  An experienced gripper is like an old friend.  Every little mark has some story attached to it.

haha i like how you worded that.

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You might try putting the hose clamp on the bottom of the spring, where it rests on the top of the handles. That way no knurling is taken off. That's how I usually put them on.

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I do the same as Bencrush, I put the vlamp on the spring, not the handles.

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really? just on the lower end of the spring?

Has it ever snapped off, cause it seems like that would be a serious amount of tension on the clamp to pull a #3 down to parallel if the hose clamp was placed on the spring

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Just tighten it down , and the clamp will "mold" or bend to the shape of the gripper leg angles. I haven't have one pop of yet.

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excellent, I'll be trying it later. The last clamp took some of the knurling off so I havent put it back on.

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I have my Elite in a hose clamp. It's set on top of the handles. And it hasn't popped off. And I don't think it ever will. I had my #3 in it for months with no ill effects.

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i put mine at the VERY TOP of my #3 handles.

where my hand never touches,so it doesnt matter to me.

but ive never noticed knurling coming off anyway.

you guys refering to your grippers as "he" and other living things have bigger problems to worry about then knurling. lol jk guys.

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Ditto what king crusher said.

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i think the problem was that i was tightening the hoseclamp WHILE it was on my gripper.

It took teh knurling off my elite up by the handle, but now ive been useing it on my #3 and its fine so far. As long as you pre set the hose clamp its fine. So far at least.

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I tried putting it up on the bottom of the spring and I couldn't tighten the clamp down tight enough for it to pull the #3. I think I'll try doing what dannyboy did and preset it.

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