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How Many Days A Week


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how many days a week do you guys train grippers. and if you do bending how do you incorporate with grippers. i am thinking of doing twice a week grippers and once a week gripping. i was training four to five days a week trying to do both. but my hands seem to be getting weaker. please help. need info and ideas

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I train grippers 6 days a week

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I train grippers 6 days a week

6 days a week?

Only one day of rest??

Obviously the "more is less" anecdote does not apply to you.

I am training grip 2x week, wrists 1x week. Maybe that's not enough?

I am a firm believer that overtraining is equally as bad as not training enough.

I work every major muscle group once a week except for calves and abs.

Maybe grip is one of those excersises that can be worked more frequently and still make gains??

I know everybody's muscle structure is different and recovery times vary, but?

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As often as you can while still making gains. Certain muscle groups seem to be able to handle high volume, such as the calves and abs. I think grip is similar. I train heavy maybe 3x a week, but every now and then I"ll train heavy 3 days in a row, then take a few days off.

The best gains I ever had was in two weeks doing 6-10 heavy singles or negatives. I took one day off after the first 6 days, and then did another 6 days with two days off. It was very hard on the hands and hard mentally to give that much each evening, but the gains were amazing.

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I train grippers 6 days a week

6 days a week?

Only one day of rest??

Obviously the "more is less" anecdote does not apply to you.

I am training grip 2x week, wrists 1x week. Maybe that's not enough?

I am a firm believer that overtraining is equally as bad as not training enough.

I work every major muscle group once a week except for calves and abs.

Maybe grip is one of those excersises that can be worked more frequently and still make gains??

I know everybody's muscle structure is different and recovery times vary, but?

Well the KTA program disagrees with you..it is a high intensity, high volume program that will wreak havoc on your hands but will give you better results than most other grip programs out there. Plus hands are much different than other body parts..they recover more quickly and are comprised mostly of tendons and ligaments. It helped me go from the #1 to the #3 in about 3 months!!

I still incorporte some of that philosophy in my current workouts. It is the SAID principle at work. Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands..then your body supercompensates by getting stronger to meet these demands!!

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paul and gerryg def have a point.

i was in your boat a couple weeks ago. no way, i thought, could somebody do grip training so many days a week. impossible. i thought it would only set you back for truly realizing your grip goals.

i was very wrong. it is definitely one of those things that you can say, don't knock it until you try it. i bet you are going to have good results doing more than a few days per week (remember, the legitimacy of the KTA would not have lasted this long if the 6 day per week was considered by all these strongmen and athletes to be too exhaustive).

give it a shot. if it works, great. if it doesn't, screw it. just find the way to realize your goals, cause at the end of the day, that is the bottom line.

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3 times the week.

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how many days a week do you guys train grippers. and if you do bending how do you incorporate with grippers. i am thinking of doing twice a week grippers and once a week gripping. i was training four to five days a week trying to do both. but my hands seem to be getting weaker. please help. need info and ideas

I train grippers 3 days a week and wrists/forearms 3 days a week. I do some of my none grip specific training, such as curls with a thick bar also. I find that I can train forearms/grip/hand strength 6 days a week and make good gains without over training.

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I've tried alot of routines from 2/week up to 6/week, For me the best is do as many days as I can stand "usually 3-4" take a day off and start again. but all in all I do best with many days as opposed to a few days a week.

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Grippers 4 days a week.

Monday, Tuesday rest on Wednesday and then Thursday Friday.

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