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Got My #2 Yesterday


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It arrived just as soon as I was finishing up my wrist workout for the day.

I was good and warmed up so I grabbed my Trainer, shut it for 5 reps both hands, grabbed my #1 and shut is for 5 reps each hand, grabbed the #2 and got it past parallel to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from full closure.


I figured I'd get it. I started gripping in January so I guess I am doing ok.

It definitely puts things into perspective. I've got some work to do b/c this one is tough. New 2005 model and it needs some seasoning.

When I first got my #1 early last month I could close it, but I could not dominate it like I do now. So hopefully in a few months I'll be closing it. I think I'm going to put it in a choker and work with it like that for a while.

Any advice is appreciated.


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It arrived just as soon as I was finishing up my wrist workout for the day.

I was good and warmed up so I grabbed my Trainer, shut it for 5 reps both hands, grabbed my #1 and shut is for 5 reps each hand, grabbed the #2 and got it past parallel to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from full closure.


I figured I'd get it.  I started gripping in January so I guess I am doing ok.

It definitely puts things into perspective.  I've got some work to do b/c this one is tough.  New 2005 model and it needs some seasoning.

When I first got my #1 early last month I could close it, but I could not dominate it like I do now.  So hopefully in a few months I'll be closing it.  I think I'm going to put it in a choker and work with it like that for a while.

Any advice is appreciated.


Hey, sauce, sounds like you are gettin' it. What did you start out with, the trainer? Three levels in three months, pretty good progress. Sounds also like you have purchased something called a choker. How does this work?

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I was good and warmed up so I grabbed my Trainer, shut it for 5 reps both hands, grabbed my #1 and shut is for 5 reps each hand, grabbed the #2 and got it past parallel to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from full closure.

Any advice is appreciated.

Next time, just grab your #2 and try to close it with no warmup from other grippers.

Edited by Sybersnott
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I was good and warmed up so I grabbed my Trainer, shut it for 5 reps both hands, grabbed my #1 and shut is for 5 reps each hand, grabbed the #2 and got it past parallel to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from full closure.

Any advice is appreciated.

Next time, just grab your #2 and try to close it with no warmup from other grippers.

good tip Sybersnott

Edited by BigT
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I was good and warmed up so I grabbed my Trainer, shut it for 5 reps both hands, grabbed my #1 and shut is for 5 reps each hand, grabbed the #2 and got it past parallel to about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from full closure.

Any advice is appreciated.

Next time, just grab your #2 and try to close it with no warmup from other grippers.

And listen to your fingers pop. :laugh

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And listen to your fingers pop. 

Tried it today. Just about the same results, but my fingers did make an unusually loud pop. Hope all is ok with them. They feel fine so far.

Got to about 1/4, then is just stopped.

Thinking about getting the #3 to help me close the #2. But how in the hell am I going to close the #3 for a negative. Chest close it in a choker? Don't know if I can.

I think working with the new #2 in a choker and heavy negs on my plate loaded will help. The intensity level will be raised.


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And listen to your fingers pop. 

Tried it today. Just about the same results, but my fingers did make an unusually loud pop. Hope all is ok with them. They feel fine so far.

Got to about 1/4, then is just stopped.

Thinking about getting the #3 to help me close the #2. But how in the hell am I going to close the #3 for a negative. Chest close it in a choker? Don't know if I can.

I think working with the new #2 in a choker and heavy negs on my plate loaded will help. The intensity level will be raised.


Hey you are in about the same boat as me. I got my T, 1, and 2 about a month ago also. I can get the T and 1 closed also. I am half a centimeter from getting it closed. I have found that not overtraining helps these too. And damn, these things sure eat up the hands. Makes them tougher though.

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Good progress boss!

You may wanna try Sybersnotts tip, its what got me there, hit it straight off with a good firm set. You could also do these closes, as far as you can get the #2 shut and then cheat close the rest to turn it into a 5 sec or so negative.

Rest well inbetween and you'll be there soon enough!


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And damn, these things sure eat up the hands. Makes them tougher though.

Yes they do.

The knurling on my new #2 is like an aggressive rasp file. Its probably no sharper than my #1 and T, but the increased resistance really makes a difference.

I've got callouses all over my hands and from pinching I've got skin tears b/t my thumbs and index fingers. Aggravating having to let those heal but if you keep on pinching those sharp 25's, they just get worse and bleed.

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Dude, you will soon be closing the number two.

When I got the #2, I was about an inch from closing it, and it took me two months to even close the #1...

I can close the #2 everytime I try now. I have been gripping less than a year.

I never believed I could do it, but I am actually closing the #2 like a bastard child everytime I try...

I am working on the supermaster gripper now.

Dude, you are ahead of me when I was where you are at; you will close it. It will feel sweet when you do. :rock

You will close it. Trust me on that. :mosher

... oh I did use the KTA program, and that really hurt me. :online

But it really really helped. I didn't want to get it because I believed and still believe that it is stupid to keep the KTA program restricted like they do... it prevents others from learning and it is not economically sound, but whatever floats their boat...

Anyways, get KTA...

Edited by timster
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yeah i also file the non dogleg side, but sometimes i wonder if it really makes a difference.

you will be able to close the 2 in no time. just keep at it. file down your one and do some overcrushes with it, and attempt doing negatives if you have a harder gripper. you will rock it out real quick. i got the 2 on christmas day. couldn't even close the one then either. now, what, like not even 3 months later, i am doing overcrushes with the 2 and getting closer by the day with the 3. keep the faith man, and you will get it.

you might think it is the end-all-be-all gripper right now, but trust me, soon that 3 close will be looming over your head.

keep the faith, grip hard and intensely, and never say quit.

diesel up.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Went and jogged 2 miles yesterday and warmed up.

Grabbed the #2 without grabbing any other gripper and got it down to about 2 pennies width. Yes with a set.

Not sure of the measurements, but 2 pennies is about all you could fit. I often do penny holds so thats my best guess.

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Keep it up!

Question? Can you hold it shut when you help the gripping hand with the other yet?

Try a few of these to get that last bit 'seasoned' if you fancy.


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And damn, these things sure eat up the hands. Makes them tougher though.

The knurling on my new #2 is like an aggressive rasp file. hey bud try coating the handels with gym chalk pack it in and it will make the knurling feel a bit smother good luck i had my 3 to 1/4 of a inch before but now i'm right where you are maybe we will all cert this year ? :ohmy

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Keep it up!

Question? Can you hold it shut when you help the gripping hand with the other yet?

Try a few of these to get that last bit 'seasoned' if you fancy.


I can close it shut with the help of my left hand, but can not hold it closed!!!

I tried like hell, the sucker springs open on me back to the 2 penny width and doesnt take long to force itself back open.

Hurts like a dog!!!

I think I will add more chalk to the handles. It just seems much sharper than my #1. Feels like my pinky is gonna get ripped off!

I have developed some decent callouses, but more toughening is needed. I'll just keep attacking that #2 until my hands are like sandpaper. Heck, I wont need sandpaper after long, I'll just use my hands!


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I think I'll file my #1.

What side do most file?

Dogleg side? Non dogleg side?


Pardon my ignorance, folks. What is the dogleg side? They both look the same to me.

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"I have developed some decent callouses, but more toughening is needed. I'll just keep attacking that #2 until my hands are like sandpaper. "

Thats the spirit, it took me a good few months till the minor pain goes away, now I feel it only after a series of serious negatives. The callouses are gooooood!

But do remember to keep them in check as an overgrown callouse can take on a life of its own and tear away causing even more pain. remember to pumice.

Wannabe - Do a search on the search function to look this up, all will be explained.


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Do you do reps with the #1?

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Do you do reps with the #1?

I have the T, 1, and the 2.

I usually warmup with the T, do some reps with the #1, and work like hell on closing the 2 and keeping it closed.

I can close the #1 for roughly 14 reps RH, about 11 LH.

I thought about filing my 1, but now I think I'll just focus on forced closures on the 2.

I work with a hose clamp choker also, but still can't quite close it with that.

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I'm not sure if you use a set or not. I'd recomend no set. Work with reps on the one. Get up to ever 20 reps on the #1 and then work singles with the two for a workout or two to see if you got better which you should have. Don't make the mistake of over training. A couple sets on the #1 after a warmup along with some thumb and wrist work should do it. Go about every 4 or 5 days. I'd forget alot of work with the choker. I like the reps on the lighter gripper because it's easier to judge progress or determine if your making any progress rather than trying to tell if you got the handles any closer on your goal gripper.

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To each his own....but...

I can only get about a dozen reps on the one...yet I have closed my 2 no set stylie. Personally, from reading and adapting my workout routine based on the posts from the collective knowledge of the grip board, I have focused exclusivly on low rep, high intensity training. The first weeks in which I received my trainer and one...I went willy nilly, just doing reps on the trainer. It was not until I registered here, and read about doglegs, flogging, inverted, straphold, contrast baths, and the rest, that I think my gains started to happen.

The great thing about this site is that everyone has a unique twist to their traing, and by sharing it, you will come up with your own.

I have drifted so far from what I wanted to say....I think...so I will stop rambling and get ready to crush stuff.

Oh yeah. While I focused on low rep max rep power, I have recently realized that NOW I want som good stamina. So I think I will be starting a whole new routine.

Support grip here I come.


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Well you probably need to do more reps than to build the strength to close the #2. I had no idea you needed to use "low reps" to workout with intensity. Also how do you go about flogging a gripper?

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