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Help, Please

Wanna Be

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OK, guys and any gals(since I looked at Liz Talbot's videos) out there,

I have been tryin' to close this #2 gripper for a couple of years now. I usually do two or three negatives(close with both hands and then hold) when I'm at the computer. I seem to be gettin' close and then the next time I do not progress.

Any routines would be GREATLY appreciated. I enjoy the increased grip strength, but maybe haven't made the committment to real progress, albeit that I am lacking in the ways(e.g. training routines etc.) of REAL grip training.

Give me a clue as to where to start, folks, please.

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This raises my troll red flag by the way.

You've been a member here on the board for a year now. Where have you been? :) The board is loaded with information, routines, tips, etc.

What's your current routine?

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This raises my troll red flag by the way.

You've been a member here on the board for a year now. Where have you been?  :) The board is loaded with information, routines, tips, etc. 

What's your current routine?

Like I said, I do grip work while reading your posts and seated at the computer.

Good motivation stuff. How much does the KTA and J.A.G. stuff cost?

Thanks again folks, maybe I need to crank it up a little(or a lot). The feedback is greatly appreciated. I just need a routine with the #2 for starters. The funds are very limited. BTW, I have dumbbells from 15 thru 50 available. Can I work these in, somehow?

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This raises my troll red flag by the way.

You've been a member here on the board for a year now. Where have you been?  :) The board is loaded with information, routines, tips, etc. 

What's your current routine?

Like I said, I do grip work while reading your posts and seated at the computer.

Good motivation stuff. How much does the KTA and J.A.G. stuff cost?

Thanks again folks, maybe I need to crank it up a little(or a lot). The feedback is greatly appreciated. I just need a routine with the #2 for starters. The funds are very limited.

Does anybody know/endorse mooinabc1's routines? The poster seems to say that the gripper(#2) WILL be closed in two weeks. Any comments? Again, I am desperate for any constructive posts.

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Look at workouts and routines..this board especially is loaded with tons of routines..look around there is a wealth of info everywhere. Take some time to look around ..my routine is there and many others. You need to do more work in your search..how badly do you want to get a better grip??

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Look at workouts and routines..this board especially is loaded with tons of routines..look around there is a wealth of info everywhere. Take some time to look around ..my routine is there and many others. You need to do more work in your search..how badly do you want to get a better grip??

That's the million dollar question, pdoire, I am only limited by the inability to purchase any extra tools. My desire to progress is in tact. Thanks for your time to contribute.

BTW, my right arm froze on me and I am just getting a bit of strength back. I used to curl well in excess of 60# per arm for reps. Now I am lucky to get 50# for a couple of reps with the right arm.

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This raises my troll red flag by the way.

You've been a member here on the board for a year now. Where have you been?  :) The board is loaded with information, routines, tips, etc. 

What's your current routine?

Like I said, I do grip work while reading your posts and seated at the computer.

Good motivation stuff. How much does the KTA and J.A.G. stuff cost?

Thanks again folks, maybe I need to crank it up a little(or a lot). The feedback is greatly appreciated. I just need a routine with the #2 for starters. The funds are very limited.

Does anybody know/endorse mooinabc1's routines? The poster seems to say that the gripper(#2) WILL be closed in two weeks. Any comments? Again, I am desperate for any constructive posts.

maybe you need an inbetween gripper from the 1 and 2. you can either buy one or pm mooinabc and ask him how to make his J.A.G

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"Like I said, I do grip work while reading your posts and seated at the computer. "

Ok, this just enforces my troll red flag more. I asked what your routine is. Do you know what that means? That means sets, reps, # of workouts, grippers used, etc. etc.

It sounds like you have NO routine whatsoever. As Paul points out there are a ton of routines posted. Try the WO forum. There are a ton of routines there.

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I started here last Septmber brand spanking new...Know what tools Ihad when I started KTA??? An Ivanko Supergripper and a #3 IM gripper. Was I properly equipped...no!! Did it stop me??? NO!!

As NIKE says...."Just do it"!!!

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I think it is very easy to feed off of all these grip boards guys successes, but it will never satisfy the deep hunger to join the ranks of the achievers. So I would say a you need to stoke your fire by throwing some logs on it (your own serious training program with diligent sustained action) and not just keep it smoldering with all these posts on the grip boards that can be great motivation if you use it as that and not just a sole form of socialization & entertainment.

Now set you goal, form a battle plan and kick yourself into gear and post less and work harder so that when you post in the future you can say legitimately I have closed the #2 and I am working on the ? by doing this ?


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That's the million dollar question, pdoire, I am only limited by the inability to purchase any extra tools. My desire to progress is in tact. Thanks for your time to contribute.

I want to ask YOU a question: How bad do you want it??

I mean, how motivated are you really? Can you purchase a IM #3 gripper? If you don't have one it would really help on your progress with the #2.

More importantly - GET SERIOUS ABOUT IT. C'mon, you said two years? It took you two years just to figure out that you need help?

There have been guys on this forum that have gone great lengths in terms of their grip training with little equipment, either bought or homemade. You don't need to break the bank to get some equipment - BUT, you do need some! :dry

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I interpret this post that you have put yourself in lateral competition with the

Gripboard's KTA program. I hope this is not your intention........

By all means post about your equipment and have the members decide

if it is progressive, but no need to throw it up against another members`

hard wrought program with cost differences.

Or explain what the intent of your post is if you do not mind.

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I interpret this post that you have put yourself in lateral competition with the

Gripboards KTA program. I hope this is not your intention........

By all means post about your equipment and have the members decide

if it is progressive, but no need to throw it up against another members`

hard wrought program...........

I think he means use KTA along with his adjustable gripper.


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KTA is a great program..the best in my opinion. It contains all you ever need to know as far as sets, exercises, frequency...setting the grippers properly and so much more. It is the sole reason I closed the 3..that and my hard work!!

Moon your JAG is a tool that can used within program..but it is not a program itself. It is a good tool from what I hear but it is not a whole gripper course.


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I interpret this post that you have put yourself in lateral competition with the

Gripboards KTA program. I hope this is not your intention........

By all means post about your equipment and have the members decide

if it is progressive, but no need to throw it up against another members`

hard wrought program...........

I think he means use KTA along with his adjustable gripper.


Yes..I completely agree with your assessment. There's no competition here. Moon has said plenty of good things about KTA if I recall. He doesn't sell JAG's, but simply is recommending them and stating that they cost $5 to make (in addition to the cost of the gripper)

Just my opinion .. neilkaz ..

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I interpret this post that you have put yourself in lateral competition with the

Gripboard's KTA program. I hope this is not your intention........

By all means post about your equipment and have the members decide

if it is progressive, but no need to throw it up against another members`

hard wrought program with cost differences.

Or explain what the intent of your post is if you do not mind.

yea i also think moon means to use KTA with J.A.G, hes on KTA right now and always recomends it to ppl.

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Try the J.A.G and see for you self the J.A.G can works well with the

KTA and get twice the gains period.

But J.A.G is a simple program and simple workout that in some way

one to two reps a day. But J.A.G can compete with the KTA program

and can even goes where the KTA left off.

Try the J.AG for 3 months an see the gains.

The J.A.G is a evolution of gripper and make short work of any gripper in no time.

Form #3 to #4 =17 to 19 months with the regular guys without that gentic bs.

J.A.G compete well and help the regular gentics.

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OK WannaBe.. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't a troll.

I'll also assume that you only have the #2 and cannot at this moment spare the funds to purchase a gripper somewhat weaker and a gripper somewhat stronger.

Anyhow..here's what I'd suggest to you to work out with a gripper that is somewhat too tough for you to close now. You mention negatives and this is the key since you cannot close it one handed yet. However, two or three occasionally is not enough.

I suggest you do negative crushes (NC) where you close it with both hands and then let go with one and squeeze as hard as you can for about 7 seconds. Start out doing about 10 of these every other day and then gradually work up to about 15 of these every other day (or 3 times/week if you need more rest sometimes). One you can just about keep the handles touching for 7 seconds, you'll likely be able to nearly close or close the #2. Along the way from time to time(maybe once a week), make some attempts at closing it so gauge progress.

However, if you are serious about a great routine for shock treatment for your crush, by the KTA E-Book (noting that you'll need a couple additional grippers)

.. neilkaz ..

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Spend 20 bucks and get the ISG..it is the ultimate adjustable gripper. I have used it thruout my training. It is a very diversified device.

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I have tried the Super gripper I found it limited.

The J.A.G is different and I find it better.

Donot be fooled into believe it the super gripper is better.

And paul, wannagrip etc can you honest say you tried the the J.A.G

and Wannagrip I tried your KTA program its cool.

Donot say anything till you or anyone tried it ffrist for al least 3 months.

Have the homour to do it.

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John, I don't think anyone here said anything bad about your adjustable gripper idea.

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OK WannaBe.. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't a troll.

I'll also assume that you only have the #2 and cannot at this moment spare the funds to purchase a gripper somewhat weaker and a gripper somewhat stronger.

Anyhow..here's what I'd suggest to you to work out with a gripper that is somewhat too tough for you to close now. You mention negatives and this is the key since you cannot close it one handed yet. However, two or three occasionally is not enough.

I suggest you do negative crushes (NC) where you close it with both hands and then let go with one and squeeze as hard as you can for about 7 seconds. Start out doing about 10 of these every other day and then gradually work up to about 15 of these every other day (or 3 times/week if you need more rest sometimes). One you can just about keep the handles touching for 7 seconds, you'll likely be able to nearly close or close the #2. Along the way from time to time(maybe once a week), make some attempts at closing it so gauge progress.

However, if you are serious about a great routine for shock treatment for your crush, by the KTA E-Book (noting that you'll need a couple additional grippers)

.. neilkaz ..

Much thanks neilkaz, this is something that I look forward to trying. Thanks to all others also who have taken the time to post their comments.

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Wanna Be goodluck on the #2 my buddy. Try negatives w/a #3 and keep working hard. You will get that #2, if you want it badly enough I know it's within your reach if you just try to grab at it again ;)

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