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The Rafter Pullup


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Now normally I list my PRs in my training log but I felt this milestone was news enough that everyone probably wouldn't mind hearing.

I've only attempted to try rafter pullups about 5 times incluing tonight. My efforts in the gym trying to use the edges of the pullup racks construction were not too successful and I can only try out the rafters when I'm home from school. I asked Brad the Rafter Man Johnson for some advice on getting started and he directed me to the articles on dragondoor.com and told me about measuring my progress seeing how much weight I could relieve from myself looking at a bathroom scale while doing them. Well the last time I did that I had 25 more pounds to go! So I thought I was still a mile away. But I have recently got Pavel's Relax into Stretch (an anxiously awaited companion to my Super Joints book) and it talks about tension techniques, so I began to understand what Brad was talking about when he said he had been using every tension technique he could think of to get it to go. Well tonight I did likewise. I locked my ass up like I was taking a shower in prison, tensed my core, got my upper back ridgid, pulled hard with my arms, lifted up my legs and.... HOLY CRAP! I was hanging in the air by my own power not falling! I was so excited I cut the hold short and tried to do it again, and I missed. Well I rechalked and did it again, and then went for a full pullup, and I clunked my head (on purpose) right on the rafter between the two I was gripping! I did this a second time and went for a rafter pullup only 2 rafters wide, and I DID TOO! I only got the more narrow rafter pullup one more time. I showed my mom and then I did a few more of the 3 rafter wide ones until I just couldn't hang on anymore. Other than making sure I was ridgid with my body tension and using good form, I think plate curls helped me do this. If my last two fingers were not strong enough to transfer the pressure of my arms in the extended position, my grip would have failed.

Now if I just add about 15-20 pounds or so to my two hand pinch, a single rafter pullup may happen soon...

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Now thats a PR Michael that anyone would be proud to have on their training log. Great job and I had been wondering if Pavel's techniques would be helpful in the grip arena and I guess you just answered that question with a bull horn! :laugh

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Awesome! I still fully intend to get one myself. If only those darn grippers weren't so darn addicting I could focus on pinch and core strength. One day...

Nice work dude.

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Way to go. I think the rafter pull up is one of the world class feats of strength. I'm not even close, but someday. . . Awesome job!!!!

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That is just totally cool.......Curious how much do you weigh?.....Keep up the good work...Brett

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That is just totally cool.......Curious how much do you weigh?.....Keep up the good work...Brett

And do you climb? If not, why not? You should!

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Add my name to the list of those who are totally impressed! Congratulations!

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Nice very nice! :bow

Edited by nickr104
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Rafter Chins = Serious handstrength!

And a sick, sick mind! :blink Rafter pullups are, without doubt, the single most impressive feat of strength I can imagine (but then I weigh 350, so it really would be if I could do them!) I've lifted cars, pulled trucks and a bus, but this humbles me. :bow
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Congrats Foggy,

how many of us wish we had your focus and knowledge at your age. I was still on that self destructive infatuation with my bench press at that age. I didn't do a pull up for probably 6 years into training. Much less a rafter pullup. You already are a freak, but good heavens, where will you be in 10 years with your dedication!


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Very cool.

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I agree with Dub, that kind of focus and determination is great, keep it up and you will be unstoppable!! Great job.

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