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The Formulator


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I got mine a few days ago. It took a couple months but I'm pretty sure the manufacterer got behind with all the new orders.

I'm gonna have to say I've never seen a better piece of equipment for completley blasting the forearms/wrists. The Formulator isolates the forearms/wrists and you can demolish 'em in a matter of minutes. Your grip is removed from the equation.

Because you don't use your grip with this machine I do my regular grip work first then light the rest of my arms on fire with The Formulator. :flame

20lbs x a few burnout sets and my arms are killin' me still 3 days later! Wrist curls never did this for me.

The only bitch I have is the pad isn't the most comfortable thing. Like most of us because of all the grip work we've done our hands have become "thicker." Our hands aren't "flat" anymore but are thickest at the thumb pad amd taper off twoards the fingers. The pad on The Formulator doesn't account for this taper so there is mild discomfort on the back of your palms if you got thick dick skinners.

This will probably correct itself as the pad inevitbly gets formed over time.

This should be called the Popeye developer!


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A great review, the Formulator sounds awesome!!

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I did. I ordered it back when he was offering the poster deal.

It wasn't a big deal for me because I'm always busy doin' grip stuff. He also sent out an E-mail adressing the delay. If someone were to order now there probably won't be a big wait.


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Glad you are enjoying your Formulator. You are correct in that the delay was caused by a run of orders that the manufacturer wasnt prepared for. That is taken care of and now they are ready to ship asap. The posters are still at the printers and are going to turn out to be outstanding. As far as the hand pad, all I can say is to make sure it is fitted properly and it should feel fine.

Onward and upward!

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It's a great piece of equipment, and thanks for drawing attention to it!


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"Because you don't use your grip with this machine I do my regular grip work first then light the rest of my arms on fire with The Formulator."

You know, that is exactly what I have been looking for in a peice of equipment.

Almost bought it a few weeks ago but had to use the money for something else. Sucked. I keep hearing good reviews so I will definetley be getting it, kinda gave up on it.

Thanks for the input

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I have said this previously, but I see others are seeing the same thing. It's convenient and very safe as well. I say "safe" because balancing a loaded barbell can be awkward. This is not. It isolates the wrists and has enabled me to quickly and easily blast my forearms from a wrist perspective.

Both my kids are using it as well -- part of a complete grip strength program. :)

If you are serious about overall grip strength, it's worth the investment. It's made very well and not made from cheap junk.

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I so want one of these FORMULATORS for the fact that I believe my wrists are my weakest link in bending I am closing in on the Grade 8s after less than two months but I don't do any other grip work nor have I, but I need to start if I plan on advancing past the Grade 5's and beyond. The problem I have and think the Formulator will remedy is after bending hard my hands are very sore and taxed thus plate curling or levering with a sledge is almost out of the question due to the grip they require in the process of training the wrists.

I thought because of the unique positioning at which the Formulator hits the wrists and forearms without engaging the fingers & thumbs directly it would allow me to hit the wrists and forearms while the rest of my hand is recovering.

The price is my only dilemma in owning this apparatus, as an enlisted family man in the Army money is always an issue for me but one day God willing I will get to use one of these well thought out pieces of strength training equipment.


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Hammerhead how thick are your hands?

The model I have, the hand pad is adjustable.........

Or am I misunderstanding what you are stating?

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Mine is adjustable as well but the pad is flat so there is more pressure at the top of my hands near the wrist. I think is the pad was a little tapered along with its adjustability it would even out the pressure on the top of the hands.


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Mine is adjustable as well but the pad is flat so there is more pressure at the top of my hands near the wrist.  I think is the pad was a little tapered along with its adjustability it would even out the pressure on the top of the hands.


Ok I see what you are saying with your situation.

I think a handpad with a slight concave curavature could be

more comfortable. Anyway, the pad will compress a little as you

break it in....Good luck with it

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Mine is adjustable as well but the pad is flat so there is more pressure at the top of my hands near the wrist.  I think is the pad was a little tapered along with its adjustability it would even out the pressure on the top of the hands.


You might try stuffing a small towel or wash cloth into the area where there's more space, like toward your fingers, to even out the pressure... seems like that might help. I guess the pad will eventually conform like others said, too.

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Got mine today...Works the forearms pretty good - better so than a straight bar imho. The only complaint I have is the Ivanko collar slides off quite easily - switch it for a good bull dog type collar and you've got a pretty damn good forearm blaster.

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Ordered the Formulator and Dennis' Roger's DVD from functionalhandstrength.com. Got an e-mail that I was fairly close, and John Wood stopped by the next day and hand delivered! Can't beat that for quick customer service.

I had some of the guys from our grip club at work over and John took an hour out of his schedule and demo'd the formulator and chatted about training. Quite enjoyable; thanks John.

My wrist training, up to this point, has been non-existent, and the formulator gives quite a blast. Did several sets of ten slow reps and I'm done for the day. I LOVE IT!

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Got mine today...Works the forearms pretty good - better so than a straight bar imho.  The only complaint I have is the Ivanko collar slides off quite easily - switch it for a good bull dog type collar and you've got a pretty damn good forearm blaster.

If you put it on correctly, it won't slide off. You need to make sure the weights are seated, then put the collar tightly against them, and make sure you tighten the collar arm.

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I haven't had any problems with the collar.

sigmfsk- that's cool that John delivered to you!


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Thanks guys, I think everyone who has tried one would agree that the Formulator really is as good as advertised, probably better.

And Just for the record, Arthur has one of the coolest basement setups of all time.

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Got mine today...Works the forearms pretty good - better so than a straight bar imho.  The only complaint I have is the Ivanko collar slides off quite easily - switch it for a good bull dog type collar and you've got a pretty damn good forearm blaster.

That is odd? I have had no collar problems.

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Stronger wrists will definitely contribute to a better grip, but not directly on clsoing the last 1/4 inch or so on the grippers. Your sweep will feel much more powerful.

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Got mine today...Works the forearms pretty good - better so than a straight bar imho.  The only complaint I have is the Ivanko collar slides off quite easily - switch it for a good bull dog type collar and you've got a pretty damn good forearm blaster.

If you put it on correctly, it won't slide off. You need to make sure the weights are seated, then put the collar tightly against them, and make sure you tighten the collar arm.

More than likely the problem I had as the weights were a bit loose when I tightened the collar.

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I've been wanting to get me one of these things. My wrists are definitely the weakest link.

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  • 1 month later...

The more I read about this Formulator, the further my credit card slides out of my wallet!

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