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Is it true that squatting will help with my grip? I heard that from a friend and I was wondering if it was true

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Joe Kinney swore by DAILY heavy, high rep squats (every morning before breakfast!) to boost testosterone production and speed recovery. As the first man to close the #4 and in his 40's at the time, it may have really helped.

Also, doing squats before a grip workout will be the perfect way to excite the nervous system (igniting the "fight or flight" response) without fatiguing the grip.

Hell, my training partner has his best gripper performances immediately after a heavy DL workout, but that is far too "grip fatiguing" for me. He probably has a high ratio of slow-twitch muscle fibers, which perform better after a more extensive WU. I always do DB clean & presses first when I want to set a grip PR and it has worked well for me. Experiment.

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heavy sq's will release all kinds of goodies that will make strong and big, my best gripping is after HEAVY squats

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Even if squats didn't, which I think they would help because of the stated reasons, we should squat anyway because of all the things we know for a fact they do for us. What good is it to be able to lift an inch but not have the leg and back strength to get it off the ground?

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I don't kknow why my post came up that many times, my bad

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Even if squats didn't, which I think they would help because of the stated reasons, we should squat anyway because of all the things we know for a fact they do for us.  What good is it to be able to lift an inch but not have the leg and back strength to get it off the ground?

not sure about whether squats help the grip or not. Lifting the Inch is impressive, no doubt, but I've never seen anyone fail to lift it because they lack the leg or back strength--if someone can't deadlift 173 lbs, he has problems. I'm not sure I know any man who can't do that. IMO, the inch lift is purely a feat of grip strength.

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