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Strengthening Wrists...


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It feels like to me that i cant keep my wrist locked in place, so to speak, when lifting heavy thick bars. I have 2 3/8" DBs and a full bar. When i lift the dumbbells, or the Rolling Thunder, it feels like the weak point is my wrist, like if i can keep it straight i get the lift, but otherwise it just falls out of my hand. I can plate curl 25's strict for 20 reps, and a 35 for a couple with a little cheating swing, so i thought i had good wrist strength. What would anyone recommend for what im' looking for, thumbless holds on the RT and the DBs for time? My fingers i thoguht were somewhat strong too, i can easily pull 330lb FW bars, and that was a couple months ago, but i cant even pull 150 on the RT and i feel like a giant puss. SOrry for the wordiness.


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Maybe you should try thick bar wrist curls. Other than that I think maybe you should use some lighter weights and work on your form, training yourself to start and maintian a cocked wrist. Your plate curling and support grip are much better than mine, but not quite in the thickbar department. You may just need more practice with it. Use them in none grip lifts as well. That should help.

Also, don't miss this http://www.gripboard.com/index.php?showtopic=10414

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Also try thick bar static holds. Hold the bar for 15 seconds in each hand for 5 or 6 sets. When you can hit 15 seconds on all sets jack up the weight. This will work fingers, wrist and lower forearm severely.

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I would try GregAmidon and Dave M's ballistic sledge work for the wrists. The description is in there bending article.

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