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Timed Holds #2


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Theres a lot of #3 closers on here and i hear a lot about the # of reps needed to be able to close the next gripper up, so i would really like to find out how long u have to hold a #2 shut to be able to close the #3. I know theres a differance between holding and crushing, but i'd like 2 know how long 3 closers can hold a 2 shut. Thanks guys. When i coul hold the 2 for 45 secs i could do the 2.

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not 2 hard 2 figure out that was a typo, and i meant that i had 2 hold the #2 for 45 secs before i could close the #3, but thanks for the sneering :calm

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I don''t think you can compare holding a #2 for time and closing a #3. Does tension build up to the amount of stress needed to close a #3?? I don't know, but i'll have a go at that 45 seconds ;)

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The gap to the #3 from the #2 is pretty big. Using the #2 alone may not get you there. You could try filing it to make it a BTR gripper. Strapholds will help too, but to just get the #3 closed from holding the #2 for time may be just to big of a gap to overcome.

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not 2 hard 2 figure out that was a typo, and i meant that i had 2 hold the #2 for 45 secs before i could close the #3, but thanks for the sneering  :calm

Just kidding around :calm

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At a contest in Venice Beach in May 2004, they had an event that consisted of how long you could hold a quarter between the handles of a #2. Neither Zach Passman nor myself were #3 closers. I was about a 1/2 inch from a 2004 #3 at the time, and I suspect Zach was around 1/4 inch.

He held the quarter for 28 seconds, and I held for 15 seconds. I hope that helps on the original question.


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Yeah thanks fellers :) . I think its just the difference between resistance training and weights, u can use a pec deck or grippers, bullworker whatever till ur blue in the face and ur body just wont respond the same as if ur supporting real weights in ur hands.This is why theres no crossover from grippers 2 deadlifts or whatever. I think grippers r just a good way of gauging progress from genuine grip training.Ronnie coleman cud probably have closed the #3 but didnt want strossen using his name 2 promote ironmind like Samuelson. ;)

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Gather You must load the gripper plus timely hold to work.

REad atricle on HOLLe.

Hose clamp the #3 and deload it by a bit at a time=1/16 and 6 reps.

Strap hold the #2 untile you can strap hold the BBSM and strap hold the #3.

Use the J.A.G for serious no BS workout that will get to the BBSM and then #3.

THe J.A.G I have workout that will take to the #2 to the #3 in 6 week to 15 weeks.

ANd the #4=17 weeks.

Easy to make and cheap only cost less then $4. For real

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Gather You must load the gripper plus timely hold to work.

REad atricle on HOLLe.

Hose clamp the #3 and deload it by a bit at a time=1/16 and 6 reps.

Strap hold the #2  untile you can strap hold the BBSM and strap hold the #3.

Use the J.A.G for serious no BS workout that will get to the BBSM and then #3.

THe J.A.G I have workout that will take to the #2 to the #3 in 6 week to 15 weeks.

ANd the #4=17 weeks.

Easy to make and cheap only cost less then $4. For real

Can you share the details of this miracle workout?

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I think its just the difference between resistance training and weights, u can use a pec deck or grippers, bullworker whatever till ur blue in the face and ur body just wont respond the same as if ur supporting real weights in ur hands.

Strength training is strength training, whether or not you use real weights... you still get stronger.

This is why theres no crossover from grippers 2 deadlifts or whatever.
This is an ignorant statement. Having a stronger grip results in a better pull, more confidence, more weight on the bar, etc.
I think grippers r just a good way of gauging progress from genuine grip training.

You can both train your grip strength AND guage your progress.

Ronnie coleman cud probably have closed the #3 but didnt want strossen using his name 2 promote ironmind like Samuelson. ;)

Well, if he COULD have closed it... why didn't he?

You don't need to impress Strossen. Reporting and watching the greatest strength athletes in the world is his job.

Coleman doesn't need to give a boost to IronMind anyway. All the bodybuilding mags give enough coverage to Coleman without any help from Strossen.

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I think uve misunderstood what iwas saying sybersnott. Coleman is no dummy he knew if hed closed the #3 it would have been worth big bucks 2 strossen in what would essentially be a product endorsement. Coleman is almost a household name hes not just some obscure strongman, but he is synonymous with size and strength, and strossen wouldnt waste any time gatting him on the COC list. Do u seriously think that samuelson is th only strongman capable of the 4, these guys r drug fueled superhumans all of them can do it, its just that Samuelson is the only one with an ironmind endorsement. Think about it ads like"can u get on the COC list with the likes of Big Ron Coleman". Strossen didnt waste any time in getting his bit of PR out of Rons "failure". Im afraid its all a big advertising con. :(

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"Do u seriously think that samuelson is th only strongman capable of the 4,..."

I do. I don't think there are any Pro strongmen out there that could just walk in and close the #4 today without training for it. I think there are some that couldn't close the #3 without training for it. Do they have the potential to close a #3 or #4, sure ... probably more potential than most on this board do. I just think it's silly to surmise that Coleman stopped right at the end of the close just to keep Strossen from getting some free advertising. Having said that, I don't doubt that Coleman could close the #3 if given instructions on how to set it and spending a short amount of time fooling around with it to get the feel for it. Coleman comes across as somewhat of a showboat to me, after seeing his video clips, so I doubt he would intentionally miss the #3 close.

To the original post:

I think most new #3 closers (meaning just capable of the #3, nothing beyond) could probably hold the #2 closed for a minute or more. Several months before I closed my #3, I recall closing the #2 and holding it for at least 30 seconds. I can hold my #3 closed for quite a while now ... maybe 30 seconds on a good day. I may give this a try again (#2 hold for time) when I get my #2 gripper back.

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He could not close the gripper.

And coleman is big guy.

Hopefully it spark Coleman to be into gripping but I doubt it.

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Coleman is no dummy he knew if hed closed the #3 it would have been worth  big bucks 2 strossen in what would essentially be a product endorsement.

Considering the kind of money Coleman is making now in supplement endorsements, would giving an endorsement to Strossen and IronMind been such a big deal? Come on!

Coleman is almost a household name hes not just some obscure strongman
To which household are you referring to? Ask 100 random people on the street who Ronnie Coleman is and chances are 99 or 100 of them don't have a clue.
Do u seriously think that samuelson is th only strongman capable of the 4, these guys r drug fueled superhumans all of them can do it, its just that Samuelson is the only one with an ironmind endorsement.

The #4 isn't exactly a walk in the park and almost all strongmen would fail at closing it. It takes super-freaky grip strength to close a #4. Joe Kinney was the only one on that elite list for YEARS, and the guy is hardly a "drug-fueled superhuman".

Think about it ads like"can u get on the COC list with the likes of Big Ron Coleman". Strossen didnt waste any time in getting his bit of PR out of Rons "failure".
I think Strossen would have benefited a LOT more if big Ron HAD closed it. Think about it, the ads - "Big Ron Coleman closed it (the #3)... can you???"
Im afraid its all a big advertising con. :(

How so?? He didn't close it, which in my eyes ADDS to the credibility of IronMind and the grippers themselves as being a serious strength training tool and a true benchmark of grip strength that few will ever reach.

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give a #3 to gunter. he will click the handles. easy.

I second this as well, have heard over the years that he has a serious grip.

Actually, didnt he do it once?...hmmmm.

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Gunter is the closest so far on the HG500, so I wouldn't doubt him closing a IM #3.

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