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We Are At War


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Yes we do profess "Functional Hand Strength" but let's face it this whole venture is really about personal achievement and even though some won't admit it directly they want to be known for the strength and power or there wouldn't be certifying groups or people working so hard to get that piece of paper, which is really a license for bragging that you don't have to say yourself. When someone in the know, sees this on your wall or under your Grip Board name it gives you instant credibility as saying without spoken words "Yes I do have a hell of a grip and if you know and understand this achievement then you have an idea of how much intensely focused training of the body and mind it takes to achieve this elite level and how few have done what it takes to grab this brass ring and crush it "

Is very much in line with a military skill badges that you wear on your uniform once you have reached a set standard of training and then charged above and beyond expectations to a level to be considered a true "Expert" at this craft.

For instance Marksmanship Badges which I wear on my dress uniform, if one reaches the highest level of proficiency then he or she is awarded (not marksman, not sharpshooter but the "Expert" badge. (I am qualified as an expert with the M16, 9mm and Grenade)

Another example of the best of the best kind of badge is the EXPERT INFANTRY BADGE OR THE EXPERT FIELD MEDICAL BADGE.

I am blessed to have achieved the latter, the standards you must reach to be presented with this "Expert Qualification and recognition" and allowed to wear this on you uniform requires things like rigorous training, intense real life experience and extreme mental focus and discipline to keep going when others have long since fell to the wayside. (Between 200-300 soldiers medics started the two week endeavor in simulated battle field with all the realism possible, to include smoke, blank fire & artillery simulators, deafening noise battle, screams and chaos, mud & water filled trenches even with barb wire and rubber snakes, CS gas, night land navigation dropped in the middle of the pitch black woods or swamp with only your lensatic compass and no flashlight, plus special effects of severed limbs and blood squirting arteries, oozing wounds, burns and much more. Fun at it's finest!

Oh and less than 20 of us were awarded the coveted EFMB badge.

This is just like the bending of the RED NAIL or the closing of say a #3 or #4 both of which require many of the same factors to reach this high achievements is for the say Expert Field Medical Badge. Focused and intense training to continually build up and strengthen your body in this case mostly lower arms and hands and again just like the EFMB requires you must have extreme mental focus and discipline to keep going and burst through the pain barrier so you still complete the mission. If you don't when the battle over that piece of steel or that gripper you regroup, replenish your strength with time and recovery methods (it is like reloading your magazines with bullets, sharpening your bayonet and treating those little flesh wounds and while your are doing that your also forming you next plan of attack. Once you are fully prepared to go to do battle again you charge the hill, compound or machine gun nest take you pick and when you go in you go in with the attitude or mind set to win no matter what it takes and you ain’t taking any prisoners when you do hand to nail combat or hand to gripper combat. *&^%BAM*?%CRUSH!@*%#^BEND!!!!

Now that the battle is over (your workout or training session) and the smokes has cleared hopefully you have defeated the enemy which is that NAIL or GRIPPER, but if you were not truly victorious, now you know your enemies strength and you know what you must do to become stronger than him (Nail or Gripper). Now you fade back into the bush leaving your enemy laying on the ground fatally bleeding where it is only a matter of time before he goes down for good, because he ain't going now where and neither are you. You re-supply (rest, recuperation, and nutritional needs) treat the causalities (hands) and again start forming your next battle plan (training session or routine).

You must never give up because you didn't totally annihilate the enemy (nail or gripper) during that particular battle or skirmish because now you are better prepared for your next encounter. You may have to lose hundreds of small battles but as long as you keep focused and keep grinding the enemy down (gripper or nail – centimeter by centimeter or diameter by diameter) you will win the WAR! And thus you receive your own personal satisfaction of knowing you have stretched beyond your former limits or receive your certification. Nobody cares about how many battles were lost as long as you were VICTORIOUS in the END!

WE ARE AT WAR (with these nails and grippers) PEOPLE AND LOSING IS NOT AN OPTION!

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Thanks and very good motivation!

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TMS, you have to much damn time on your hands. Hows Canada BTW?

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If I EVER have a BAD day , I will definintly call this guy!! You definintly have passion

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No way... you think? Twist Master Squeeze is the world's greatest troll! Could it be? If he starts sucking up to Sybersnott or one of the mods - beware! :D

Maybe somebody should put Silcone Mayhem in touch with Bill.


Though I gotta admit, Fortified Iron just isn't the same without him, in a comic relief sort of way.

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TMS, you have to much damn time on your hands. Hows Canada BTW?

Are you saying GatorGrip is TwistMasterSqueeze ?

Canada is doing fine..........

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Guys, Walter is no troll.

General Communication Inc.

2550 Denali Street Suite 800

Anchorage AK 99503


He's up WAAAY North for sure. Confirmed.

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If or are not gator grip then we have a twin lol

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If he starts sucking up to Sybersnott or one of the mods - beware! :D

He hasn't called on me so far. And I asked Bill - he's legit all right! :D

Sure writes like him tho.... I read that and immediately thought of TMS. :blush

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I apologize for any grammatical errors I accidentally sent the rough draft without a good word & grammar check. Yes I am enthusiastically enamored by these feats of strength like bending a bending a Red Nail and closing the famed Captains of Crush grippers.

But I am much more passionate about people and seeing them reach their goals and achieve what will bring them a portion of satisfaction and a good feeling of accomplishment. When someone achieves a worthy positive goal it not only benefits them with things like more confidence for the next challenge and a healthy sense of pride but it also benefits those around him or her in many ways which are to numerous to list.

As the old saying goes "It's so much about the kill but the thrill of the chase". That is what humans do we dream or envision something we wish to see materialize and once the fire is stoked with passion then the person's focus narrows and he or she sets their sights on this specific goal. Once we are focused we then start thinking what must I give to receive this prize. Measured steps begin to form and as each small task is completed such as a training session that translates to one move closer to your win. The more small tasks we complete or mini-goals we achieve like through closing a gripper just under your #3 or #4 or even getting those handles just a little bit closer than that last time and for bending it may be bending one diameter larger or a bar, bolt or nail one half inch shorter length the more momentum we gain and the stronger we get and the goals seems closer and you feel like I can do this, I can attains victory. The closer you get to your goal the hungrier you get the harder you work because now instead of the journey being 1000 miles it has dwindled down to 700 then 500, then 350, then 200 and so on until you are within mere yards away then feet and the inches will hardly be noticed because by now you so close you can smell the sweet aroma of victory. THEN your there all the time, sweat and yes sometimes even blood seems like a wisp of smoke your face to face and then you slay the beast. You have conquered, overcame and survived; now you marvel at this achievement for a time. Then you think about the next goal, which you once thought was unconceivable now become achievable in your mind. You conclude the fact that you have just reached this goal and it was just as far away as this new goal seems but again you just claimed victory over it so what makes this goal any more unachievable as the last. You then take all that you learned and gained from the previous battle and incorporate this into your new battle plan or game plan what ever makes you feel more empowered.

Now you simply take the first step toward the horizon and that step instantly becomes one less step that you must take on the journey to the next triumph.

I wrote these words motivate and inspire people to refocus or reenergize thier training regiment and see far beyond the gripper and nails to incorporate these ideas of refernce in other areas of their life as well.

I hope my words did not fall on deaf ears, but I do undertand that everyones firecracker is not lit by the same match. :D The well meaning GatorGrip

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If or  are not gator grip then we have a twin lol

They are not.

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Well said, Walter! :cool You do have a certain way of putting things that's pretty unique. :D Definitely passionate about getting stronger. :rock


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Gator has always been nothing but positive so I have no issue with him.

Its probably his counselor training combined with US Army motivation that makes for such interesting detail in his posts. :D

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only guy to use color in his posts lol.

i dunno if posting the guys address on the net is a good/nice thing to do though.

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Gator, personally I really enjoyed your post, although I had to take a break to rest my eyes :D , especially the first part about the personal goals and braggin' rights.

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i dunno if posting the guys address on the net is a good/nice thing to do though.

lol yea i wouldnt of liked that one either.

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i dunno if posting the guys address on the net is a good/nice thing to do though.

lol yea i wouldnt of liked that one either.

It's not his address. It's an ISP in his area. It's well known in his sub-title (which he does himself) he is from that part of Alaska. The two match.

I wouldn't post someone's actual address. :mellow

He's in Fort Wainright Alaska (look at the name under his posts -- he put his location there).

General Communication Inc.

Anchorage AK


Last time I checked, "General Communication" was not Walter's name. Maybe it's an alias for his house address? ;):upsidedwn

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