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How Long To Close #3?


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Hey guys,

I'm new here, just started using CoC grippers a few months ago. I've just been screwing around, doing reps off and on. I can now close the #1 completely, mash the handles, and hold it closed for about 10 seconds.

I got the KTA program and have started workign the #2. i can get it within maybe a quarter inch of closed.

if i start KTA, how long realistically before i should be able to close the #3?


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I never started KTA and closed the 3# after 10 month of an all around grip training. Perhaps I could have closed it ealier if I had done grippers only.

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I closed it (#3) after about 5-6 months of "NORMAL" gripper training, but I think I could have closed it earlier if I hadn't lost my motivation after about 2 months :(

Edited by Zakath
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One year ago I was where you are now, just starting to consistently close the #1. It took exactly 3 months of KTA between the first time I closed the #1 to mashing the #2. I lowered the volume slightly the first time around, as I had never trained like this before, but still made rapid progress (about 60% of recommended KTA volume the first time through, but stayed true to the principles). In four more months, I closed the BBSM. Now I've been doing KTA for one year, and I'm about 1/4" from the #3 and I can consistently close the BBSM. I feel that if I'd done KTA "exactly" for that entire year, I'd probably be closing the #3 now. Whenever I reduced the volume and went into "maintenance mode" for more than a few weeks, I lost (or at best maintained) strength. Of course, doing KTA (high volume) for a year straight without a break may have also led to overtraining and injury--I now believe that mixing it up from time to time and working on something else for awhile is a good idea.

So I'd say realistically from where you're at now, you could get the #3 in around 1-1.5 years with KTA, but maybe alot sooner if you have the genes and desire--obviously alot of guys on this board have been able to progress much faster than me--even without KTA (but I don't hate you! lol). After a year of KTA I still haven't closed the 3, but when I got it I never even thought I'd be able to cheat it shut as it was a rock, so I'm not discouraged. Now I know that it's possible and I WILL get it.

As far as KTA, I NEVER would have even closed my #2 without it (or at least most of the principles). Now the #2 is a toy that I can close anytime, either hand, and even credit-card set close with either 3 or 4 fingers (7.5" hands), so I'm happy. Just stay focused if it doesn't come as quickly as you'd hoped.

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I would say second time for the KTA=3 months to 6 months.

Make the goal gripper the BBSM.

But suprises do happen in the KTA providing your doing 100 % each and every

sngles. How to tell if doing corrertly to test if you grip weak after workout.

Queeze handles together like queezing some ones hand.

REad KTA program carefully.

I cannot help if you have no clue where phase you on and how many week your


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Following KTA I went from closing the #1 to closing the #3 in 3 months.

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How about not doing KTA? How long will that take??


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How about not doing KTA? How long will that take??


Im a stubborn bastard and ever since I joined this board I decided I wouldnt use KTA . Ive closed the 3 with a deep set now (although I havent certified) and it took me about 7 months or so. However, I had layoff periods during that time of totalling about 6 weeks or so. KTA does sound incredible and once I have certified on the 3 I will most probably give it a shot. If I were to do it all again I'd of probably swallowed my pride and paid the money and done the course. But you CAN do it with out KTA it just may take a little while longer. :rock

Edited by Geo
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It's the discipline, tenacity, intensity, dedication, desire, and others that make or break attainment of a goal.

One can have the "best" tools and/or programs in existence. It won't happen if you don't have the "right stuff" to make use of them.

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Give all you have in the KTA program.

Be determined to do your gripper goal blood,sweat and tears.

You must win. And no maybes that for the half assed+Say I will do it.

I will do 16 singles on the phase 1 on week three.

Warm up the body is key to the KTA program.

I use exercise bike to warm up. Squat is a must you use machine or partail

one leg squat or two leg but donot go parellel just 1/3 down=savety.

Exercise till the body is warm.

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