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What's A Rep?


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What would you consider being a rep? Closing it and letting it open back up until your hand is the farthest open it can be without loosing your set grip? Or would you say its about an inch to two inches of space in between the metal and then crushing it again.

I can do the number two for 10 or so when I do reps where I only open it about 1 1/2 to 2 inches, but only like 2 or 3 when I let it open all the way. I watched Clay's video of sillyness when he did the # 3 for like 11 times and I couldnt tell if he opens the gripper all the way or just has bigass hands.

What officially is the distance the gripper has to open up to be counted as a rep?

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Good questions.

If the spread of the gripper is 3 inch divide by half=1 1/2 prallel.

Once you can do 1 1/2=-reps then your cool to pratice for the gripper for mmo and etc.

It is diffecult to close gripper and sometimes even 1/32 or

sometime the last 1/64 inch. So donot be hard on self. But appericiate caly is more.

But how you grippering and what gripper can you close?

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I'm still a beginniner. I can do the # 2 for like 10 reps when I only let it open for about two inches. I can get the #3 to about 3/4 of an inch but that last little bit is brutal. Any pointers besides the KTA, which I'm gonna get soon?

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i would consider a real rep to be fully open to fully closed but thats just me.

some people consider "clicking" the handles reps. to each there own

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I would consider a rep closing the gripper fully, and holding it in that position for a second or two and then repeating the process. Simple as that.

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Yea, I was just wondering how much people let the gripper open before closing it again. All the way, 2 inches, an inch, etc... Like when I saw Clay do the #3 it didn't look like he was opening it all the way before closing it, I'm not sure though.

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for my purposes a REP with a Gripper is my best effort on whatever I'm working on, ie: if I'm trying for a no set close of a #3, then with no set and an all out attempt is a rep to me, if I'm doing BTROC's then every time the handles touch is a rep, it's all relevant to what you're doing at the time.

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When it all comes down to it there is no way any of us can do reps as same as the next person. The only way I see us staying as consistent as possible to what a rep is that we use collars, and rep to that width, or agree to go without a collar, but let it open entirely, and close again.

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