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Ironmind Axle


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I've decided to train grip again. I was wondering what people can doubleoverhand on an ironmind axle. I tried for the first time since feats with hands one and got 365. I know many people here can do more. Brag yourself up. lets have something to shoot for.

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Yeah, let's hear some numbers. I'd be interested in what some guys can do over under too. I plan on getting an AA when I'm in college. Right now though I have a cool idea to weld 3" cast iron pipe to some iron wagon wheels I found. It'll be the Rogowski Axle. ;)

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Foggy...you KNOW you are a grip fanatic if you are thinking of buying a 200.00 bar instead of spending 200 AT a bar!! Good stuff though, the right choice all the way!!

Jeff, I have hit around 445-455 before, don't like the lift though so don't train it unless my brother is calling me on. Todd has hit numbers right there recently as well.

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I know Eli Kinner (Eli72) Did somewhere around 440 at our last get together. I am lucky to get 350. :blush I am working on it thoe. Need to get better at my thick bar work.

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I have done in the past 470# double over hand. Glad your back into grip again :D

Chad Woodall

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On the real IM axle, I think my best was 375 and the jump to 400-something (425?) was too much. On my 2" bar here at home that has athletic tape on it, I've pulled 452. Not an easy lift though and I just about lost it at lockout.

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I can lift within 10# of my best Olympic bar DL on my IM Axle. I think I need to strengthen my back if I want my 2" to go up.

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Yeah, let's hear some numbers.  I'd be interested in what some guys can do over under too.  I plan on getting an AA when I'm in college.  Right now though I have a cool idea to weld 3" cast iron pipe to some iron wagon wheels I found.  It'll be the Rogowski Axle.  ;)

have fun welding cast :D

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Mikulich looks like they are pulling alternate grip. I can get in the 600's that way. i was wondering if both hands are facing the same way. So that it is all grip. Does this make sense to everyone.

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yea they're using over/under, double overhand is where it's at

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Yes, French Grip is what Roark refers to it as. I haven't heard of many numbers over 400 with the 2" bar. The number I listed was apparently wrong. In 2001, he was credited with 500 on a 2" bar. French grip. At 275 pounds then, and 310 now, I'm guessing he could pull mid 500s or even a bit closer to the magical 600 mark. Well Matt? Probably shouldn't put you on the spot... :blush

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Mikulich  looks like they are pulling alternate grip. I can get in the 600's that way. i was wondering if both hands are facing the same way. So that it is all grip. Does this make sense to everyone.

I thought I had posted some of the double overhand attempts from the gathering, but I guess I did not.

Here is one shot (300 lbs in weight plus bar):


I will have to sort through the shots I took to find the others.


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Yes Jeff on that day(the grip gathering) we went as far as we could D.O. grip then switched to the over under grip to keep going up in weight.Most people dropped out right before 400lbs on the D.O. grip.

Edited by Steve B.
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About 20 years ago on a bet. I pulled to deadlift lockout using a reversed grip but just using 2 fingers of each hand (first and second). To add in difficulty I stood on a wooden 5 inch high block. My bodyweight was 238 and the poundage lifted was 535 on the 2" bar. RS

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the pictures of the so cal grip make me wish i was there all over agian! that was a fun day.

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The old gallery has Chris James doing 507

When Matt Graham pulled over 500 it was using a hook grip. Yes, his hands are just that big.

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Hook gripping an Axle - can't Old Guy do that too? Hardly seems fair does it?

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The old gallery has Chris James doing 507

When Matt Graham pulled over 500 it was using a hook grip. Yes, his hands are just that big.

I was interested how some of the guys got those great numbers...I guess having the long fingers and or being able to hook makes a world of difference. Do we have any guys numbers that are 8 inch hand length and under...mine are 7 3/4.....just wondering. Thanks RS

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Yes. I witnessed Matt Graham's feat. He nearly had 550 locked out on his next attempt. Because it really hadn't crossed anyone's mind as something that was possible, and there was no specific rule against hooking, he was allowed to hook at that contest.


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I can hook grip a 2'' bar, and even without hooking I can lift as much with a 2'' bar as with a bar of standard thickness, double overhand or mixed grip.

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My best french grip 2 inch deadlift is 250 kg , my hands are 8 inches.

My best deadlift from knee height is 500 kg for 3 reps with french grip on olympic bar and i,ve done 500 kg on 2.5 inch bar with reverse grip.

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