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I Did It!


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as some of you may have read I bought some 5/16HRS the other day and cut it into 7" lengths, tonight "at work" I did my grippers, some narrow grip pinching, then to my new favorite Bending, warmed up with some easy nails and a piece of 1/4 X 7". then onto my new test, I told myself at first I'd be happy with a 10-20'bend, so I wrapped it, started DU and gave it my all, it bent 15-20' I set it down satisfied, then for some unknown reason I grabbed it again DU gave it hell, "it bent more" switched to DO and crush it to 1 1/4". I was so happy I bent a 6x1/4"

and broke a couple nails.....gotta love bending.

I'll try to get a pic online in the next couple of days.

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Awesome Lyle, especially after you let it cool a bit and then decided it was all it the mind and needed bending. Plus going after a 6 x 1/4 then broke nails you made man.

It is amazing what the body can do when the endorphins and adrenaline kick into overdrive, it's kinda like those mothers that pick up a car and pulled their pinned child out of harms way.

Again Great Personal Achievement My Friend!

You have motivated me to the max. Don't be surprised if you see a post from me real, real soon.

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thanks Guys, your support is a great motivator as well. I love hearing about others PR's and posting mine so we see each other progress.

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Great job! I've been trying to get 5/16 CRS 8" to practice for the red but can only get a good kink. How much difference between CRS and HRS if any maybe I should try that.

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Thanks y'all, I couldn't get a pic today, my daughter has the camera "somewhere" but I'm gonna try another piece tomorrow so I'll know it wasn't a fluke.

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You can do it Lyle! Ihave much more faith in you than that steel.

I am betting my two nickles, a cat's eye marble and a handful of slightly used nails are on the Lyle man. Any takers?

I thought so we all know Lyle will win hands down or should I say Double Overhand down.

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Great job, Lyle! I feel your excitement and pride beaming through this computer screen, and love it! It's really cool when you first bend a piece of 5/16" steel after training long and hard with only 1/4" steel, isn't it!

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It's very cool to bend the first piece, so cool I laid awake last night thinking about tonights attempt. It's all I can think about now, I think bending the 5/16" is more satisfying than my first #3 close.

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