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Bending Material In The Uk


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I'm in Edinburgh and can't find a place that sells bendable stuff for reasonable prices.

Screwfix.com would be sweet if their postage wasn't so high for the small orders I'd be making.

If you're not a UK bending person, do you know anyone that is that I could contact?

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Contact Stan Pyke at intensefitness.co.uk.

Also B+Q do lengths of 4mms,5mms and6mms thick bar you can buy and cut down to size.

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Contact Stan Pyke at intensefitness.co.uk.

Also B+Q do lengths of 4mms,5mms and6mms thick bar you can buy and cut down to size.

Is that from warehouse shops? I was in a generic B&Q night before last and got prison-bitched on price for 1kg of 6mmx150mm nails. There is a warehouse shop in Edinburgh, but it's not that easy for carless me to get to.

Anyway, thanks muchly for the contact info.

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I would visit as many diy and builders yards in your area as possible and buy the smallest bag of 60d(6"nails)they sell then go home and test yourself on them,if you find any that are a challenge to you(not to easy just doable)make a note of were you got these from and then go and buy a bigger bag,some of the builders yards sell these in 25kilos boxes for about 25/30 quid so you save abit of cash buying in bulk.

Look at the markings on the nail heads,if they are different then they came from a different supplier/maker,see if you can contact the supplier direct and buy in bulk and cut out the middle man.

If all the 60d nails you find are to hard or you cannot find many then you will have to shop around for steel bar in lengths,try steel suppliers or steel fabrication yards.

Stan Pyke at www.intensefitness.co.uk has a list of the challenge bars that he sells,i dont have anymore info on these as i have never used them,but i am shure they will be upto the job as all the stuff on his sight looks very well built.

Maybe MOBSTERONE has used some of stans bars and can comment.

Matey i know where your comeing from on the no car/hard to travel to places logic,i to have never learned to drive,so have always carried my stuff by public transport etc.Try carrying an inch replica d/bell from Swansea to Merseyside,by hand across numerous train stations :D Talk about a full body workout.

Anyway God blessed you i hope with a good and strong set of legs,now use them and get looking around those builders yards :D and good luck.

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Contact Stan Pyke at intensefitness.co.uk.

Also B+Q do lengths of 4mms,5mms and6mms thick bar you can buy and cut down to size.

Is that from warehouse shops? I was in a generic B&Q night before last and got prison-bitched on price for 1kg of 6mmx150mm nails. There is a warehouse shop in Edinburgh, but it's not that easy for carless me to get to.

Anyway, thanks muchly for the contact info.

I don't drive either so buy enough that you don't have to pop back every five minutes.

Gazza is right I have some of Stan's stock but preferred the benders bag I brought from the states (via post) from John Beatty. Stan does some great stuff (an aside: Stan is now the UK distributor for Robert Baraban grippers inspite of the BS on www.handgrippers.co.uk - I have seen all the emails and think Dan Hope is up to no good).

However, I'm only bending 1-2x a week and then only 2-3 bars each time. I have enough to last me for months. Combined with other grip work and my recent start back on the competition training I'll probably have enough to last me until mid spring (late May say) and still be ok.

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I would be interested in your observations on Stans Bars and John Beatty benders bag,compared to the David Horne Challenge bars,as you have experience of all the above.

Also good luck in this years Brits and Europeans.

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Of all three I preferred David's challenge bars as the steel was the same grade throughout and the standard the same. I would have liked small increments (say 10-15 kilos at the most) between bars. John Beatty's Benders bags are a nice diverse bit of kit. They aren't meant, in my opinion, for competition like the challenge bars but more as tests of strength and consist of items strong men have traditionally challenged themselves against (horse shoes, spikes etc). Stan's bars (don't forget Stan is a good mate and a master craftsman of a kind that it hard to find and has some fine bits of kit) are attempting to be somewhere between the two in that the steel is not always the same grade and Stan hasn't competed. I think if he had he'd have had a better understanding of what is required. Indeed Stan is a very strong man and so works, bends and shapes - whether in the forge or his home gym - with steel most of us couldn't handle (check his site www.intensefitenss.co.uk for images of bent horseshoes and more).

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Thanks for the replies, fellas. The B&Q nails are in the challenging category, but since I've been bending for the grand total of eight days, I suspect(and certainly hope) that I'll be moving on soon, so I'll try the steel suppliers.

I'd go for bolts, if I knew what a reasonable step up from 60d nails was called over here.

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I can't drive either! Can any of the UK members of the Gripboard drive???

Thanks for the tip about intensefitness.co.uk, I was hitherto unaware of it.

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