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Jamar Dyno


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I just traded some grip stuff for Tmmicklabs Jamar dyno. It is fantastic! I tried it out in April and pulled 191. A few days ago I tried it again and pulled @ 202. The dial only goes up to 200 but I think it's possible to guesstimate a bit.

I'm curious if anyone else on the Board has one. If you do, what can you pull on it? What gripper does that number correlate to? For instance, if you can pull @ 160, what gripper can you close? I assume there is some sort of loose correlation.

I'm going to abuse this dyno so much that it probably won't even last a year. Plan on even using it for pinch training. And 5 different widths of crush training. It is truly a wonder. And now, like GaryTheDyno, I'm hooked!

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I just traded some grip stuff for Tmmicklabs Jamar dyno.  It is fantastic!  I tried it out in April and pulled 191.  A few days ago I tried it again and pulled @ 202.  The dial only goes up to 200 but I think it's possible to guesstimate a bit. 

I'm curious if anyone else on the Board has one.  If you do, what can you pull on it?  What gripper does that number correlate to?  For instance, if you can pull @ 160, what gripper can you close?  I assume there is some sort of loose correlation. 

I'm going to abuse this dyno so much that it probably won't even last a year.  Plan on even using it for pinch training.  And 5 different widths of crush training.  It is truly a wonder.  And now, like GaryTheDyno, I'm hooked!

I have a Jamar that goes to 220. I can regularly squeeze ~150 but can't close an IM #2 (~ 1/8" from closure). I can close a BB Master on a very good day, and rep the BB SA ~8 times. I always use nosets.

The Jamar is fairly useful for measuring approximate isometric strength at various handle spreads. My strongest position is when the handles are about 1" apart. I don't use the device as an exerciser though. Instead, when in an isometric training mood I just insert small blocks of various thicknesses in an IM #1 and squeeze maximally for ~6 sec holds.

Do not know how Jamar calibration is affected with use. Mine seems pessimistically calibrated. Bought it used off eBay. On another dynomometer at the gym I squeeze ~165. Lots of variability in this business. One probably should use any piece of equipment as a relative measure of personal progress.

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I find that the results from the Jamar carry over very well to the grippers.

I was pulling 140 to 150 on that dyno and I am closing grippers that take 140 to 150 pounds of pressure to close on my bathroom scale.

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From previous discussions a




210-230 Elite

250 plus #4

all these are with a set and just guesses.

I like the dyno because what it says is what it says.

if you do 180 this week and 185 next you made progress with a gripper it depends on the set. The dyno starts at the same position each time you could duplicate that with a choker but the dyno is so much nicer. If you can get a deal on one it's worth having.

To answer the question I have pulled 196 on mine. I've done over 200 holding it steady with the other hand but that doesn't count. It's a Roylan my best gripper with a set is MM1 replica. There are a couple #3's that are 3.25 spread I have not closed yet, but a normal spread #3 and 2004 yes.

Edited by GarytheDino
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Thanks guys. That must be about right because I'm closing my #3 (with a set) consistently now. And I pull @ 200 on the dyno.

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