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Uploaded Some Clips To The Movie Gallery


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Figured out how to upload the images - a friend put them in a wmv format and I got it posted.

Thanks Bill - for getting back to me and sorry to bother you before I figured it out.

Steve Cotter was behind the camera and was witness - let me know what you think.


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good job brett!

that room you guys are in reminds me of a cross between a asian type dojo and a insane asylum lol. its all bear and void of color.

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You've gotten significantly stronger since December. Good work! Congratulations for all the hard work and the success. I'm going to have to get off my lard ass and find some motivation. Seeing your progress helps.

Mike M.

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Nice job Brett. When are you going to close a "real" #3 and not that easy one? ;)

I also enjoyed the interpretive dance you performed with the 45's by the hubs.

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Thanks guys -

Dojo + insane asylum - too funny :yikes

Thanks Mike - I do feel that I am making good progress. Training is going well.

My interpretive dance was a tribute to you Clay!

And I'm working on that "real" #3 close :D


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Good hubbing and crushing Brett!

Has Steve Cotter had a go at any grip stuff yet?

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Thanks Guys and Thanks Big Steve -

Big Steve - you are one of the main reasons for my progress - your assistance and advice while I was in PA is with me still - not to mention your DVD.


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Awesome video Brett!

Looks like you are getting stronger and stronger as well as BUFF! Put on a little size since the last time I saw you??

Anyway-good stuff. Any trips to PA in the future bro?

-Rick Walker :rock

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Excellent job. I added you to the double 45 hub lift.


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Thanks Jedd - much appreciated!


Might be in Pa in a few weeks but not sure how much time I will have - I will keep you updated.

I have gotten a bit better shape since moving to So Cal - must be the sunshine and tofu :D


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I saw some lady on TV advertising "Tofurkeys". Turkey shaped tofu globs.


If i had access to a button that would make her explode.....


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very nice, I rated the video as a 1, I hope this is the highest? if not I think I may have brought some previous ratings down, but anyway awsome feats and nice twirl.

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very nice, I rated the video as a 1, I hope this is the highest? if not I think I may have brought some previous ratings down, but anyway awsome feats and nice twirl.

Wrong direction on the rating. Higher number is better. :)

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