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I am in masonary at scholl this semester. Our shop teacher was talking about picking up 6 block at one time, so everyone wanted to see it. Hard to describe. Its block. He pinched it on the center and outside blocks where they come together. And sit the other 2 blocks on the end of the 2 outside block. Alot of people tried and no one did it. It is really hard because the blocks on the end want to make the 2 outside blocks fall down. He did 5 today but said he can do 6. He did it really easy to. I thought it was pretty interesting.

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There were 3 on the bottom and 2 on top. He pinched the inside block together with the outside one. He did it pretty easy and said he has done 6. The block weighed about 15 pounds apiece.

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I'm not really getting how the three blocks on the bottom stayed together. Was this a one-handed pinch or a two? I'm trying to picture it because I would like to try it. What kind of block is it? Cinder blocks weigh 35 pounds a piece. That would be a nice lift!


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Sorry, let me clarify. The 8x8 inch cinder block that they use for basements walls are 35 pounds apiece. Is that what they are? That would be nice. But how do the three on the bottom stay together?


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The block was a 12 by 8 I think. It was 2 hands. I can't really describe it but I can try and draw a picture and post it on here.

Edited by DLK
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Ok, I got you. Two hands sounds like it. That's pretty cool.

One of the meanest men I ever knew was a brick layer. He was the father of a friend who I grew up with. And I mean it, this guy was strong and mean! He was as good as gold to us kids, but he beat the hell out of other men for the hell of it. He died in prison about 12 years ago in his 60's.



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