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Broken Loading Pin


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I don't know if this belongs in the Groener Reborn forum or here, but since it includes an equipment breakage I decided to put it here and see what you guys think.

SO, after watching that Brookfield video on the Today Show, I decided, with a good friend and fellow gripster, to go and try that exercise at the end where Brookfield is swinging the rope above head, with one end in each hand and a fifty pound kettlebell at the end. I have no rope so looped some old boxing wraps through to get about six feet of distance and then bunched them up for thickness. Sixty pounds didn't work too well so we went down to fifty. I must tell you that this exercise is very hard and will make your forearms, biceps, triceps somehow, back, sides, and lats very sore the next day if you do it for a long time. Which we did.

THen we put fifty on a loading pin, which is what we used for the first exercise, and put an R-Ring clipped at the top and tossed it back and forth. Now, this being Canada it was about minus forty celcius if not more so, and we were doing it outside with heavy jackets on and big mitts on our hands. This led to the occassional dropping of the weight and on one of them the piece of metal on the bottom that prevents the weights from slipping off just broke right off!

Is this the sort of thing they would replace or is it just the weather that did it and not a faulty loading pin? I've had the pin for about a year and a half. It is a standard sized weight pin.


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:D shipping plus waiting for its return just take it to a welder buy him lunch and it will be done maby you know a welder and it wont cost you a dime ;)
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The manufacturer would probably argue that you were using the pin outside of its intended purpose, therefore the break couldn't be blamed on faulty equipment.

It might be worth a try, but I wouldn't expect a replacement at no cost.

Maybe you can get it fixed as Dan suggested.


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Hubgeezer absolutely demolished two Ironmind loading pins over the course of a few years from heavy use and dropping the weight. Ironmind replaced them free of charge and I think even reimbursed him for shipping the pins.

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Steel in -40 weather is very brittle. I think it broke because you dropped it when it was that cold.

Having said that, if IM will replace them as Clay stated, then one might ask one's self, "Why not?"

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