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for about 3 weeks "or more" my gripper training has not progressed, I'm trying to get the #3 with 1 1/2" set "STALLED", my strapholds"STALLED". the negs are OK but I'm getting pissed. Has this long of a stall happened to anyone else? and if so how did you break through :angry:

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for about 3 weeks "or more" my gripper training has not progressed, I'm trying to get the #3 with 1 1/2" set "STALLED", my strapholds"STALLED". the negs are OK but I'm getting pissed. Has this long of a stall happened to anyone else? and if so how did you break through  :angry:

Sometimes I find that if my grip progress stalls for THAT long of a time, I will take a week off completely from all grip work. THEN, for a week, I will do hand therapy everyday, which mostly consists of shot rotation throughout the day, light extensor work, and some contrast baths. I also try to include an INTENSE day with squats in the week to increase overall hormones. Try this for a week and it may work for you, it has for me. ;)

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I do not know you, or the majority of the members here, so please do not take this personally. When I see a post like this, it gets me pissed off. When I see somebody bellyaching about how their progress has stalled for 3 WEEKS, I have to question why they are not using their minds more to experiment to find what will work for them. It took me almost TWO YEARS to close a 3/8" gap on the #3 gripper. It took our very own WannaGrip longer than this. Was I frustrated? Yes. Did I quit? HELL NO!! I figured out what worked for me. It seems that if somebody can't get instant gratification these days, or if they do not get results that a program promises, they get frustrated and whine to the other board members. You know all the techniques, such as negatives, strapholds, timed holds, etc., now just change up your applications of these training methods, rest less or rest more, whatever it takes. There is no magic program or formula. Hard work, thinking, and determination will get you where you want to be. I'll step down from my soapbox now.

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I find a change in total routine gets me past being stalled, just like when I work other muscle groups, I change every couple of weeks. I will mention one thing that a fellow board member shared with me, and thats speed closes with a lighter gripper no set style. Just grap a #1 or what ever you can no set and slam it shut as fast as possible or about 10 reps a day.

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Anyone who has trained consistently for an extended length of time as run into plateaus. The real question is how you respond to the problem....

Analyze your routine. Make small changes. Tweak workload, or frequency. If that doesn't work make big changes like a total overhaul of what you are doing.

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How much can strap hold today?

Once I know how weight you can hold on the Strap hold then I can help you.

Can you rep one rep or force close the BBSm?

In between grippers are cool.

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I do not know you, or the majority of the members here, so please do not take this personally.  When I see a post like this, it gets me pissed off.  When I see somebody bellyaching about how their progress has stalled for 3 WEEKS, I have to question why they are not using their minds more to experiment to find what will work for them.  It took me almost TWO YEARS to close a 3/8" gap on the #3 gripper.  It took our very own WannaGrip longer than this.  Was I frustrated? Yes.  Did I quit? HELL NO!!  I figured out what worked for me.  It seems that if somebody can't get instant gratification these days, or if they do not get results that a program promises, they get frustrated and whine to the other board members.  You know all the techniques, such as negatives, strapholds, timed holds, etc., now just change up your applications of these training methods, rest less or rest more, whatever it takes.  There is no magic program or formula.  Hard work, thinking, and determination will get you where you want to be.  I'll step down from my soapbox now.

Ahhh, the great conversations and emails we exchanged during this time. I'll have to dig some of the emails up one of these days Steve. :) Talk about frustration!

Anyone ever wonder why KTA was born? I had to really think outside the box from the perspective of what was "normal" in training. It's all I had left -- I was at my wits end. I had nothing to lose really. :)

Keep plugging Lyle. Three weeks is not long at all. Besides, there will be a time where you'll have to be satisfied with what you achieved compared to what you started with as no one has infinite gains.

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I cannot remember if you took KTA...I seem to recall yes??

Maybe reenter into that for as boost!!

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it happens lyle...

two days ago i was slamming my OC gripper with no problem for a bunch of singles....

the next day i could barely close it in my first workout....in my second workout i got angry at the gripper and crushed the hell out of it...here's what our conversation looked like...

Me- what the F are you lookin at?

Gripper- .............

Me- don't mock me B***h


me- GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR (then i crushed it)

gripper- :help

me- no one's gonna help you now (then i crushed it again.

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Sometimes what you eat makes a big differents

FLax seed oil full omega oils, vitamin a to z, Joint vits, grapeseed,

Vit e,C. Max recovery I wear mitts in car went drive around, I put hand in mild

hot water for 2 mins before exercising and warming up before grippering =Squats samll weights, bench pressing, Waking, biks. Evening light work with snowball or a weak gripper and mybe 5 reps max. Proper sleep.

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for about 3 weeks "or more" my gripper training has not progressed, I'm trying to get the #3 with 1 1/2" set "STALLED", my strapholds"STALLED". the negs are OK but I'm getting pissed.


COMPLETELY CHANGE YOUR ROUTINE. It doesn't work for you anymore and has to go.

Try something different - a new piece of grip equipment perhaps. Now is the time to experiment!! :happy

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There's too many variables in life to be just canning a routine all together.

On the other hand, you could do a cycle with another goal rather than grippers for 2-4 weeks. Keep just maintenance on the gripper work. Maybe a pinch goal? You won't lose much if any on your gripper strength.

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Completely changing a routine after 3 weeks of stall is crazy to me. Tweeking it maybe in order, but a complete overall, no way. Way way to many things come into play. I would look and modify what I was doing. If it was 2-3 months and nothing was going on, then I would check out an overall. Up the volume to something crazy for 2 weeks, back off a week or two and then hit it again. That usually works for me. When I slow I just go nuts for about 2-3 weeks, back off for a week or two to catch up and then see where I am.

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It took me almost TWO YEARS to close a 3/8" gap on the #3 gripper.  It took our very own WannaGrip longer than this.  Was I frustrated? Yes.  Did I quit? HELL NO!!  I figured out what worked for me.


You hit it right on the head. Most of these guys don't know what it's like to TRAIN HARD in order to get results.

I also took two years to get that COC cert. I never gave up or got frustrated... I put in my time and training because I knew it would pay off. Back then, there was NO KTA!! Just the GripBoard and asking questions.

BTW, when I did finally cert COC - guess who I called first to tell him the news? Yep, it was Steve. :happy

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I have to agree on the taking time off and alternating grip work as being a good idea. I still haven't closed the #3 (yet!) and after a bit of frustration over a lack of progress for some time I said it was time for a bit of adjustment. Put my focus on pinching for a month or two, made a LOT of progress in that area, and when I came back I had more crushing power than before. Where before the break I could only get to around 1/2" with no set (just a quick spring hold until my hand was wrapped) I could afterward get to 1/4" or less, and I attribute it to coming back with a new attitude and more patience. I believe now that it was primarily mental burnout from wanting to see constant tangible progress that just wasn't happening and I became impatient, and when the mind goes sour the hands will follow.

It is easy to add 5 lbs. on to a bar for a little bit of visible progress on a lift and you can be quick to get excited, and though even when a fraction of a mm gain on a gripper close sometimes doesn't seem like much, it is still progress. Never give up, because sometimes when you think it'll never happen, you might just surprise yourself!


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Lyle get the inbetween gripper like the beef builder super master gripper.

focus on force closing it.

And micro load the strap hold and stop using those thick strap hold try using

the thinest you can find the thick one will fool you to beleive that you are doing

lots of wieghts. I use plastic straps there 1/32 and just ask wallmart or the

hardware store if they have any.

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Three weeks... When I first felt stalled for such a LONG time I also changed program completely and got worse, changed again and got worse. After declining for 8 months I returned to the old program again and quickly went back to my "stalled" level, and from there I gain about 1 mm a month on the average. WHich is at least progress...

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There's some great advice in this thread.

"I believe now that it was primarily mental burnout from wanting to see constant tangible progress that just wasn't happening and I became impatient, and when the mind goes sour the hands will follow."

This is Oh So Common.

This thread may be one for the FAQ forum.

More inputs/ideas for Lyle from members would be great. I'll then delete this post and put it in the FAQ forum.

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I do not know you, or the majority of the members here, so please do not take this personally.  When I see a post like this, it gets me pissed off.  When I see somebody bellyaching about how their progress has stalled for 3 WEEKS, I have to question why they are not using their minds more to experiment to find what will work for them.  It took me almost TWO YEARS to close a 3/8" gap on the #3 gripper.  It took our very own WannaGrip longer than this.  Was I frustrated? Yes.  Did I quit? HELL NO!!  I figured out what worked for me.  It seems that if somebody can't get instant gratification these days, or if they do not get results that a program promises, they get frustrated and whine to the other board members.  You know all the techniques, such as negatives, strapholds, timed holds, etc., now just change up your applications of these training methods, rest less or rest more, whatever it takes.  There is no magic program or formula.  Hard work, thinking, and determination will get you where you want to be.  I'll step down from my soapbox now.

Well now lets respond to this post, first of all thanks to the other members for their advice, I got some great new perspective and ideas.

I'm not looking for instant gratification, I've been adding 5lbs to my squat whenever I can for over 15 year, I've worked up in farmers walk from 160's-50' to 250's-221' this took 3 years, My bench press was as 220 max for over 8 years and now it's finally at 265X5, I'm very well aware of the time things take. AM I belly aching NO, but I did share my feelings on my grip training with people more experianced than me in hopes for new/better advice so I think I'm well within the realm of this board for posting this topic.

again to all the members Thank you for your help and advice :D,

Edited by Lyle
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If you were driving home from work and hit an unexpected

roadblock or detour you would do whatever it takes to

FIND A WAY home.

I believe you will FIND A WAY through this.

Closing the coc 3 is a world class feat just as an

800 pound squat is. Both require time and overcoming


With the excellent information on the gripboard you could

start your own KTG program. A KTG program only has 2 steps.

1. Gathering as much great information and inspiration as possible.

2. Applying step 1. so you can KTG (KILL THE GRIPPER).

With a few changes to your training and attitude I believe you

will be ready to:



KTG is something you develop yourself and KTA is a highly regarded

program developed by Bill P.

Best of luck to you

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He Lyle,

don't worry about your stall.

I'd so many 'stalls' you won't believe it.

3 weeks is nothing.

Do a little rest, then keep going.

You might be surprised.

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When I stall with anything, it normally affects me mentally a lot.

It'll normally happen on a day where I am working out with a group of people and want to do good, or I expect to hit a big PR. For some reason, either I'm too optimistic or just a bad day, I don't do well at all, well under my own expectations. The next workout sometimes I am feeling bad remembering about the previous workout, and don't give it my all and just kinda go through the motions. This is another bad workout, so the next one is even worse.

After I realize this cycle I will normally change things up so I have no expectations. If I am gripping, I"ll pinch. If I"m going for a max deadlift, I"ll start focusing on squats. This way I don't have those missed PR's lingering over my head when I attempt the feat. After focusing on somethign else for a few weeks I got back to the original feat and start getting gains again.

It is hard to stay focused and be really intense on one feat both mentally and physically for extended periods of time (you can even depress your CNS). Burnout is almost inevitable then.

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again guys, thanks for the support, I'm gonna keep pluggin' away, I DO know that I WILL succeed, I guess it's just gonna take more time.

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