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The Isg


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I've been planning on getting an ISG for quite some time now, but I'm wondering how tough is it? What I mean is that I'm getting close to closing my PDA 280, then I'll be working on my #3 and PDA 295, obviously these are tough grippers, though not a #4, in the broad spectrum of all grippers these are more or less the toughest of the tough. I want to have an idea of how many extra springs I should order with an ISG. I know the highest settings on an ISG are suposed to be tough, but how tough is that? Is it #3 tough? And how much more resistance is that 4th spring going to add really? I know of the ISG calculator but we all know how numbers mean nothing if you are not talking about the same method of measurement. So I wanted to know from you more experienced gripsters, how much can I expect to get out of my ISG and given my current strength level is 2 springs enough for now? I supose I could just as easily subtract fingers, which I most likely will either way, but no one buys a more difficult gripper with the idea to close it with only two fingers. I'm sorry if I sound cocky and am seriously underestimating the strength of the ISG, but usually products with such a broad market are not intended for use with advanced trainees.

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I would order one or two extra springs in case you want to do some severe negatives but if your not closing #3's yet, the 10,12 setting will keep you plenty busy for quite a while. Grippers vary and so do ISG's but on my #3 and my ISG, the #3 is somewhere between 7,12 and 8,12.

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Get the ISG Foggy....get the extra spring when you order it, it is like 3.00

it is amazingly diverse and all I have used for negs...I touched the handles

on my #3 today and this is all I have used for negs...when I raise my goal gripper

it will still be all I use for negs!

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Paul, congrats on getting the #3's handles together!!!!  a huuge feat!


Thanks..but it wasn't official or anything...I have double ripped callouses on my right hand...so I have 2 holes that hurt...I use athletic tape..but that slides around a little too. On that close?? I anchored the dogleg with my left thumb to stop the pain and movement from ripping the skin even with the tape...so it was like a cheat to some degree...it was closed by one hand...but at least the dogleg

was held still by my other....sooooo.....Not official...but when thoses handles touched by the sheer force of my squeeze that felt great

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its well worth the money and the last two settings are impossible :D at least for me :sleep for now ? and easy on your hands i dont think youl need a extra spring but someone posted on the board you can get springs i think at home depot do a search and you will see .

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With the springs at 12 and 10 its 345 pounds.  Its alot harder than a #3.  It will be plenty tough enough for you.

It also depends on where you put your hand. If you hand is at the bottom of the gripper, at the widest part you're looking at 241lbs at 10-12. This is an outer grip. If you hand is up high, where there is no leverage, this is an inner grip and 345lbs at 10-12. Either way the ISG is a great tool and well worth it.

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With the springs at 12 and 10 its 345 pounds.  Its alot harder than a #3.  It will be plenty tough enough for you.

It also depends on where you put your hand. If you hand is at the bottom of the gripper, at the widest part you're looking at 241lbs at 10-12. This is an outer grip. If you hand is up high, where there is no leverage, this is an inner grip and 345lbs at 10-12. Either way the ISG is a great tool and well worth it.

Excellent point Heath. The flip side is that even at 241 it's still plenty because the gripper ratings aren't straightforward either. For example, Nathan Holle pulled 125kg on a dyno which is 275lbs, which is 5lbs short of the supposed 280lb to close it yet he can close a #3 with two fingers.

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For example, Nathan Holle pulled 125kg on a dyno which is 275lbs, which is 5lbs short of the supposed 280lb to close it yet he can close a #3 with two fingers.

I've only tried a hand dyno once (got ~75 kg), and I had to keep my hand fairly open to reach my fingers around it. I'm sure dynos are adjustable, but at least in this case, no adjustment was made (it was at a fitness fair). In this fashion, the dyno wasn't a good indicator of what I could crush with a set, if that is what Nathan does.


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For example, Nathan Holle pulled 125kg on a dyno which is 275lbs, which is 5lbs short of the supposed 280lb to close it yet he can close a #3 with two fingers.

I've only tried a hand dyno once (got ~75 kg), and I had to keep my hand fairly open to reach my fingers around it. I'm sure dynos are adjustable, but at least in this case, no adjustment was made (it was at a fitness fair). In this fashion, the dyno wasn't a good indicator of what I could crush with a set, if that is what Nathan does.


I agree 100%.

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Excellent point Heath. The flip side is that even at 241 it's still plenty because the gripper ratings aren't straightforward either. For example, Nathan Holle pulled 125kg on a dyno which is 275lbs, which is 5lbs short of the supposed 280lb to close it yet he can close a #3 with two fingers.

Yup, forgot to add that. 10-12 at 241 is plenty for just about anyone.

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I have it and with two springs. It works well for negs, especially if you move you hand up towards the pivot. I doubt you'll need more than two springs to start with.

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