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What Vitamins Help The Most,&protiens


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I think vitamin c,E,magansium, little creatine,whey protien these examples

what helps.

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I like good quality food with quality protein sources -- lean steak, chicken, fish

Greens such as spinach, broccoli.

Natural olive oil for the greens.

Lots of water.

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I like good quality food with quality protein sources -- lean steak, chicken, fish

Greens such as spinach, broccoli.

Natural olive oil for the greens.

Lots of water.

Bill's right on the money here. Lean meats and eggs are great sources of protein. I love olive oil too but I also like to include flax and fish oils.

If your diet is well rounded you don't really need to take too many vitamin supplements. In fact, I only take a basic multi-vitamin and extra vitamin C.

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i just take a multi vitamin and glutamine.

I like creatine too but i find i retain to much water and dont like the look it gives me.

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Iam 50 old and still griping.

I take multi vitamins with lycoene.

Eggs I only can eat the egg white.

I love all green raw.

I like flax seed bread.

And anything that has anti oxitins in it.

Glutimine lots of studies on and it and helps with fast recovery

I have to get some. I understand lots of it in Whey protein.

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Supplementation/Hand Care

Notes on current supplementation/nutrition/hand care


1.5 tablespoons flaxseed

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

4 scoops of whey or soy protein...120 grams protein

15 grams Glutamine

1500 mg of MSM/Glucosamine


1000mg Vit C

400mg Vit E

2 Red Yeast Rice Tablets..(cholesterol control)

50mg Zinc

600mg Calcium

99mg Potassium

750 mg Niacin (raise HDL cholesterol)

Occasionally take Melatonin for deep sleep...great antioxidant also.

Contrast Baths at least once a day..often twice

Sleep with Thinsulate gloves with Extra Strength Muscle Rub on hands

almost every night.

Eating lota of tuna, chicken, whole grain breads, oatmeal, drinking 2-3 quarts milk daily, yogurts, soy protein bars fors nacks...oh...and bananas, pears, plums,

nectarines and peaches. Most carbs coming from fruits and whole grain breads

Edited by pdoire
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Wow 750mg of niacin,no skin flushing?

Timed release...taken with one aspirin to reduce skin flushing.I do not get the flushing at all. :D

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So, aspirin is the secret!I took 500mg and it kicked my a$$!Red as a tomato!

You must take either Slo-Niacin or Timed Release...it administers the dosage

over the course of the evening....if you use regular niacin you will flush

like a tomatoe!!! :blush

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I add Saw Palmeto to the mix - can't be to careful with the ole prostate.

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1) water

2) home cooked food, milk & cheerioes w/ Michiagan maple syrup

3) water

4) fast food (no french fries but, pizza good)

5) Vit C 400mg-1,000mg per day

6) B complex

7) Magniesium 250mg per day

8) water

9) creatine cycle 1-2 times per year

For me everything can be had by good food but, an abundance of B and C vits is a good thing for me. The magnesium is also added becuase I drink lots of milk and so, I try to bablance the calcium/magnesium ratio a bit. Nothing scientific though.


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Hey, John - are those duck eggs the kind they eat over in parts of S.E. Asia with the half-developed baby duck inside. I would think that loading a few of those babies into your regular diet would have to do a body good.

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