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Possibly A Blob To Buy Cheap


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Some time ago I was in Raleigh, N.C. and went to a gym while I was there:




It's easy to recognise - it was next door to a big blue-painted bar called "Bluz".

Pretty old school gym - wooden floorboards, lots of old equipment, racks & benches everywhere, chalk, lots of plates, etc... actually they had some good plates for hub lifting and pinching.

There were some old york dumbbells floating around the gym... and I'm not sure, but I think, I think, they had a 100lber just sitting there rusting... I really wasn't thinking about blobs when I went there, so I didn't check :(

It doesn't look like I'm getting back to Raleigh any time soon... so if anyone lives in the area, it might be worth going to the gym and checking it out - may as well do a workout while your there and do some hub lifting :)

If it is a 100lber, and someone buys it, I would really appreciate it if you would PM me cause I'd like to see if it's possible to ship half of it to Australia without costing me an arm/leg.

... hopefully the gym is still there... :erm



... oh, and you might want to go to Bluz too - they had some good food, and lots of beers to sample :)

Edited by mcham
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I'm headed to the Raleigh/Durham area the second weekend in Jan., but unfortunately I'll be wrapped up in meetings pretty much all day, every day. If I get a chance to break loose I'll definitely have to check the place out and look into that DB.

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:D the guy who owns the gym is gonna wonder why people are coming in looking for rusty dumbbells !

If someone goes in and checks it, whether there's some blobs there or not, can you post a message so the poor guy doesn't get freaked out :)

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If it is a 100lber, and someone buys it, I would really appreciate it if you would PM me cause I'd like to see if it's possible to ship half of it to Australia without costing me an arm/leg.

Mark, I've got some VERY bad news for ya.

The S&H for half that 100# York (the BLOB) is going to cost you an arm and a leg... and possibly much more than that.

Since you technically live on the other side of the world - getting a blob from Raleigh/Durham, NC to where you live in Australia is..... impossible. Well, o.k., it's not impossible, but the S&H will probably run a few hundred US dollars. I'm not kidding.

You should of bought it here and taken it back with you. Sorry bro. :(

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Yep... just went to the UPS site to see how much they would charge to ship something the size/weight of a blob... $365 USD :erm

Ah well... at least maybe someone gets a blob... better than it rusting away.

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See if the usps will send to Australia. They are much cheaper. I know It was like 50 bucks to send a 45 lb Block weight to Germany . Worth checking out.

Edited by nickr104
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Have you considered the Blobette from PDA??


It is a loadable blob that is lighter to ship. they claim $13.65 S+H

to the East coast here in the states....Don't know to ship there?

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  • 3 months later...

Just in case anyone was going to follow up on this... I ended up back in Raleigh last week and went to the gym hoping to buy the york 100lber, but the owner said no :(

Don't quite understand why - it was rusted, covered in dust, and the handle was bent - nobody had used this thing for years!

Oh well... was going to be a pain in the arse to it get on the plane anyway.

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I called them up after I saw your original post and someone at the gym said that they didn't have any old York dumbbells.  Hmmmmmmmm.


Don't doubt the Australian, hell if this rocket scientist wouldn't consider selling an old rusty dusty bent dumbbell that wasn't even being used as a doorstop. This joker may not even know a York from Pork.

To mcham you run across people like this that would rather see something totally go to ruin than let someone else get an ounce of enjoyment out of it. A sad but true reality in this fallen world.

I like the idea of a loadable blob so you can use progressive resistance rather than a floor full of block weights that may jump to high to quick for the level one is at. I think that would be worth checking out and using until you can get the genuine article.

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I believe what the Australian told me.  My hmmmmm was pointed at the individual at the gym was less than honest with me.


No harm No Foul - Just as you I am not sure how credible the "Gym Proprietor" is oh well I am boycotting that gym and they will not even get a little curl or press from me. Of course it was going to be a hell of a drive from Alaska to Raleigh, NC.

I drove from Florida to Alaska almost 2 years ago and when I wheeled into Fairbanks under the midnight sun the odometer said 5,283 miles. Ahhh Yeah and that Alcan Highway trek across the wilderness on gravel roads left me with a cracked win shield and two empty gas cans. As the bumper sticker says "I drove the Alcan and Survived!" you only live once and you might as well make it an adventure.

As a very great intellect once said "YOU CAN MAKE MORE MONEY, BUT YOU CAN'T MORE MEMORIES" I mean once the moment has passed it's gone forever and when your old and reminiscing about your life’s path you want to relive memories not bank stubs.

I have never seen a hearse pulling a U-haul.

The great intellect was I ----- I heard that! :dry

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When I made the notion that perhaps nobody had nor would use this dumbbell he basically said "well maybe one day someone will look at that like it's a challenge and pick it up"... ridiculous... there was at least another 4 newer 100lbers (not yorks) in the gym... nobody's going to pick up a rusted bent dumbbell sitting on the floor under a rack when there are new ones sitting there at waist height :)

Doesn't take away from the gym though... it is a great gym to work out in... nice and old school.... and they have lots of plates for hub gripping, and a few chalk buckets around the place... I like it.

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What did you offer him for it ? It's quite amazing that he wouldn't sell it for a decent price considering it is basically never used and he has other 100's.

.. neilkaz ..

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we didn't get past are-you-willing-to-sell-it stage... though you're right... I probably should have just named some amount... I was kind of shocked that he wasn't open to selling them at all

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Getting a BLOB is not the problem. Getting it to where YOU ARE is!

Man... I wish I could help you out someway. If you ever get to the states, look me up and maybe we can figure out something for ya. :)

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Called the fitness center today and spoke with an employee, and subseqently the owner who said he no longer had any cast dumbells, just plate loaded dumbells. :(

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