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Positive Reenforcement


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I have closed my #3 twice now and man it is slow to repeat. I am always a smig from closing. As an educator and a smart ass I thought about the factors that are contributing to the near misses. First I looked at my training log and saw that perhaps I was not hitting it hard enough, or that my recent switch to pinch grip was the culprit. I then considered not getting enough rest. I then thought long and hard and came up with the most likley of all reasons. I had not been training my grippers to close. After reading many posts about people's #3s it hit me, much like a ton of bricks the answer was right there starring me in the face. I was not motivating my gripper in a positive way. I was not taking into consideration the needs of the gripper. I did not think about its feelings and how it wants to close for me and that it would like nothing better than to be the gripper that puts Sean Prince on the CoC list and MM0 list. But like a blind man who never sees his mistakes I have cursed and thrown my gripper when failing to accomplish its wishes. I punished my gripper. I did not reward it for its efforts in helping me and "negatives" though having a positive effect on some aspects of gripper training "negative reenforcement" is a whole different story.

So I sat down with my #3 and even brought all the other grippers to the table to include then so they would not feel left out or unimportant. I said "I know times have been tough guys, I am sorry." I went on to tell them that each and everyone of them plays an important role in my life and that each one of them has helped me get to where I am today.

The #1 has been a great tool to warm up with and give to my wife to close. The #2 was a great challenge at first and not has had a tummy tuck to go beyond the range. my #3 is a beauty and I care for it deeply. the #4 stands strong as an example of what the other grippers want to grow up to be. It was impressive; they sat there in silence, letting me talk about how I had wronged them and the transgressions I had perpetrated on them these last few months was wrong and inproper. In the end I took their silence as forgivness and well I think we are headed in the right direction.

Positive, stay positive with the grippers and they will work for you I told myself this morning. Brush them, clean them and oil their springs. Make them feel pretty and worthy of praise. If I had only taken this approach with all my other grip tools who knows where I would be now. In the Four score and seven years ago I am the MAN because I swear and I want everyone to know how manly I am by using profanity.ing looney bin man, if my wife had ever caught me talking to my grip stuff I would be standing homeless on the street corner with a sign that says things like "will crush for food" and "help an addict pinch one more time, donate weights here."

-I posted this in my Blog but my own hubris thought I should share it with everyone. Hope it brought a few laughs. :D


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i wish i knew WHY im so addicted to gripping!

Is it the convenience of being able to take them anywhere? store it under my living room chair? why do i care about my hands getting stronger? then again why do i care about getting my bench press stronger? All i can say is thank god for this grip board, and thank god there are others that share my passion.

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So I sat down with my #3 and even brought all the other grippers to the table to include then so they would not feel left out or unimportant. I said "I know times have been tough guys, I am sorry." I went on to tell them that each and everyone of them plays an important role in my life and that each one of them has helped me get to where I am today.

What is this.... "a nice, quiet, polite conversation with your gripper time?" :mellow

NO!!!! :angry:

You should be mad as hell! :angry:

You should say to your gripper, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it ANYMORE!!!" :angry:

Your gripper is NOT your friend. It doesn't care whether or not you close it.

Your approach is ALL wrong. Your "lovely-feely-PC-moment" makes me wanna upchuck! :dry

Times are tough - and it's time you got a lot tougher on your gripper!! :bow

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So I sat down with my #3 and even brought all the other grippers to the table to include then so they would not feel left out or unimportant. I said "I know times have been tough guys, I am sorry." I went on to tell them that each and everyone of them plays an important role in my life and that each one of them has helped me get to where I am today.

What is this.... "a nice, quiet, polite conversation with your gripper time?" :mellow

NO!!!! :angry:

You should be mad as hell! :angry:

You should say to your gripper, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it ANYMORE!!!" :angry:

Your gripper is NOT your friend. It doesn't care whether or not you close it.

Your approach is ALL wrong. Your "lovely-feely-PC-moment" makes me wanna upchuck! :dry

Times are tough - and it's time you got a lot tougher on your gripper!! :bow


Perhaps you missed the sarcasm and the bullshit nature of the touchy feely story. talking to your grippers will just end your game in the loony bin or out on the street. I hope you really did not take me seriously, being nice to the enemy? Or perhaps it is I who have missed your sarcasm and I am at fault. Either way I am glad you read it and have strong convictions on the treatment of grippers. :cry

Really though the approach is "positive reenforcement" oh, and I noticed by inference that you have already talked to your grippers and maybe because mine are newer and this is a kinder, gentler IM gripper that being PC and nice is the only way to close them. Just a thought. :D


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I tried reasoning with my #4 once. It just laughed and broke my hand.

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So I guess my profanities directed at my grippers are my biggest problem. I will try to be nice and hold back from throwing my #3 against the wall. "I'm sorry lil buddy.. " Great post Sean. Very funny.

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Screw being nice to your grippers. Grippers dont' respect love, they respond with anger. It wants to explode in your hand, shattering your metacarpal all over the living room. "Seasoning" a gripper is nothing more than breaking its will. That's why it's easier. Then once in a while you have to throw it and smack it around. When that doesn't work, you choke with an oversized washer it until it starts behaving.

Grippers, like children, CRAVE discpline. You have to grind their handles once in a while to earn their respect. Same with grippers ;)

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Grippers, like children, CRAVE discpline.  You have to grind their handles once in a while to earn their respect.  Same with grippers ;)

Damn straight, Clay!! WILL YOU PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS MAN... he knows what he's talkin' about!! :happy

BTW, this should be my new sig line.... :bow

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