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Is This Goal Reasonable?


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I know it is important to have a time frame when setting goals to achieve. Right now I'm approx. 3/4" away from closing the #2 and about 1" (a little less) with my left. Is it reasonable to to shoot for closing the #3 in a year's time? I'm getting KTA for Christmas. My hands are about 7" long (wrist crease to middle finger). I'd hate to set a goal that I'm likely to fail at, even if I work my ass off. Thanks for your help everyone!

To-Shin Do

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The 3# as a longterm goal is ok. But first work on your 2# as hard as possible - really concentrate on it and write down every progress you do to stay motivated and hungry! To concentrate on the shortterm goal does not mean to forget about your longterm goals - but don't think about those longterm goals too much if that's not good for your attitude. You'll reach your goals - don't worry! :rock

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I would use shorter frames and smaller steps first.

Make a time frame for your #2 first.

Then consider of aiming for an intermediate gripper like the Super Master.


I'm still working on closing my hardest #3 even though I can close some #3s for reps now.

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Good advice. You never know, set a shorter term goal on the 2 and it may come quicker than you thought, or it may take you 2 years to get it. Focus everything youve got on it for now and always have the longterm goal of the 3 in your mind, just so you don't get the 2 and then sigh and go, well that jobs done. You can do it and don't worry about hand size, look at Rob V.

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3/4" is a pretty big gap to close on the #2. Depending on how long you have been at the grippers, closing the #2 might be a suitable target for a year from now. That in itself is a big achievement.

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tosh,i would deffinatly make your goal the #2 first. if you make your goal a 3 right now you may get discouraged if you cant make progress as fast as you want.

id say things like..ok withen 2 mo i want to have the 2 down to 1/4 inch...or closed depending you you. no one knows you better then you.

then if you get it to 1/4 everytime, say in another 2 you want it closed everytime.

it seems the 2 should be your imidiate goal. as that last 3/4 is alot harder then the the open posistion to that posistion.

good luck and keep us all posted.

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I know it is important to have a time frame when setting goals to achieve.  Right now I'm approx. 3/4" away from closing the #2 and about 1" (a little less) with my left.  Is it reasonable to to shoot for closing the #3 in a year's time?  I'm getting KTA for Christmas.  My hands are about 7" long (wrist crease to middle finger).  I'd hate to set a goal that I'm likely to fail at, even if I work my ass off.  Thanks for your help everyone!

To-Shin Do

To-Shin Do,

I'm in the same boat as you are. I have been struggling with the #2 for a year now and STILL can't get it shut. You can fit a credit card between the handles when I squeeze it, but just not quite slammed shut. Granted, I have only used the #2 on/off but, still, I want to shut and try to move on to the next one. Specializing may be necessary. I lift using Pavel's Power to the People method with deadlifts and mil. presses and kettlebell's for conditioning (kettlebells really tax the grip) and just occasionally, maybe 2x per week try to work with the #2. I have found that deadlifting and using kettlebells, although hard on grip strength, don't necessarily carry over to crushing strength. We may need to specialize or place more emphasis on the feat in order to finally close the #2. Again, I struggle with the #2 and the thought of ever closing the #3 seems like a distant, very distant, goal.

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Well, only one way to find out!

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Hmmm, things to think about! Maybe I'll do this: I'll set the goal of closing the #3 for a year from whenever I close the #2. Now I need to figure out how long that'll take me....

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Hmmm, things to think about!  Maybe I'll do this: I'll set the goal of closing the #3 for a year from whenever I close the #2.  Now I need to figure out how long that'll take me....

man of cours you cant close your #3 within a year. if not then you're not training right or consistently

i would tell you good luck, but you dont need it. get it done!!!!

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Definately doable, when I started KTA I couldn't close the 2 with my left and after going through it once I was repping the #2, after another couple months I closed a BB SM with my left, so go for it, just remember there will be setbacks, stay hungry

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hard to tell dlk...i can do my 2 10-12 times and cant quite get my 3 down.

if your training just grip it will help. but if you do alot of other lifting,as i do,it may take alittle longer?

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I do do other things like compete in powerlifting. How far are you from your #3? I would like a know about how many reps on a #2 it would take to close a #3. Even though the subject has been beat to death.

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it is different with every person.

but i have got my #3 to 1mm, thats my best. and i no set.

i have closed it in a hoseclamp though. set to alittle bigger then parelle.

just keep at it. if you want it bad enough,you should be able to do it.

im not gun ho on getting mine shut so i just do it once in awhile.

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Maybe I'll do this: I'll set the goal of closing the #3 for a year from whenever I close the #2.

What if a year passes and you still haven't closed the #3? Would you give up, or keep on trying? (hint: it took me two years of training to close the #3).

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Maybe I'll do this: I'll set the goal of closing the #3 for a year from whenever I close the #2.

What if a year passes and you still haven't closed the #3? Would you give up, or keep on trying? (hint: it took me two years of training to close the #3).

Well, first I'd say "DAMMIT!!" Then I'd keep plugging away, what else can you do? I hope it doesn't take me two years, but if it does, then it does.

To-Shin Do

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I know it is important to have a time frame when setting goals to achieve.  Right now I'm approx. 3/4" away from closing the #2 and about 1" (a little less) with my left.  Is it reasonable to to shoot for closing the #3 in a year's time?  I'm getting KTA for Christmas.  My hands are about 7" long (wrist crease to middle finger).  I'd hate to set a goal that I'm likely to fail at, even if I work my ass off.  Thanks for your help everyone!

To-Shin Do


Not to sound harsh (I start most of my responses this way lately), but it sounds like you want a guarantee. Nothing in lifting or life comes with a guarantee. KTA is no guarantee of success. Hard work and hard thinking will lead to success. If you want to close the #3 badly enough, the only person who can make it happen is YOU. Even if you should fall short of your goal, maybe you will learn something about yourself. That is what many of the new members on The GripBoard fail to realize. It seems like many folks just want a quick remedy that they can just buy for $20 to get past any small obstacles that stand in their way. It does not work this way. Don't end up like most people who make flimsy excuses, can't think for themselves, and need their hands held for anything they have to do. Now it is up to you.

Steve Weiner

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reps don't mean shit on grippers, the same way reps don't mean shit when your working out anyother part of your body.

I closed my#1 when i first opened it, from then on i was training towards the 2. Since the day I closed my 2, i started working towards something harder. I closed the hg250 for a few singles, now i'm working towards the #3.

I don't think i could do more than 10-12 full reps with my #1, but i can smash a 2 whenever I want.

Don't worry about reps. If you can close the #1, and still far from the #2, try doing strap holds with the 1 and negatives with the #2 or better.

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I know it is important to have a time frame when setting goals to achieve.  Right now I'm approx. 3/4" away from closing the #2 and about 1" (a little less) with my left.  Is it reasonable to to shoot for closing the #3 in a year's time?  I'm getting KTA for Christmas.  My hands are about 7" long (wrist crease to middle finger).  I'd hate to set a goal that I'm likely to fail at, even if I work my ass off.  Thanks for your help everyone!

To-Shin Do


Not to sound harsh (I start most of my responses this way lately), but it sounds like you want a guarantee. Nothing in lifting or life comes with a guarantee. KTA is no guarantee of success. Hard work and hard thinking will lead to success. If you want to close the #3 badly enough, the only person who can make it happen is YOU. Even if you should fall short of your goal, maybe you will learn something about yourself. That is what many of the new members on The GripBoard fail to realize. It seems like many folks just want a quick remedy that they can just buy for $20 to get past any small obstacles that stand in their way. It does not work this way. Don't end up like most people who make flimsy excuses, can't think for themselves, and need their hands held for anything they have to do. Now it is up to you.

Steve Weiner

Oh my God! You're so mean, I can't beleive that you said those kind of things! Okay, I'm just kidding, you weren't harsh, just honest :) I can see where it would look like I want a guarantee, but I don't really. I realize that I'm the only one that will be closing that #3, and if it doesn't get closed, it's on me. I was just trying to see if a year was a resonable time frame. If I said I wanted to close the #3 in three months or lose 25 lbs. in one week, then those would be goals I'd be likely to fail at. While they may be possible, they are improbable. I suppose I should ask this: If I work my ass off, is it realistic to set one year as time frame for closing the #3?

To-Shin Do

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toshindo, everyones different so its really hard to tell.

but lets just give you the benifit of the doubt. and say yes,its in the realm of realistic possibilitys. now stop talking about it and go get that sucker. lol.

i liked your idea about getting that #2 down THEN making the #3 goal.

because as that 2 gets closer to shut...it get exponencialy(sp) harder!!!

so that last 1/4 inch is alot harder then the whole rest of the gripper imho.

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Oh my God! You're so mean, I can't beleive that you said those kind of things! Okay, I'm just kidding, you weren't harsh, just honest :) I can see where it would look like I want a guarantee, but I don't really. I realize that I'm the only one that will be closing that #3, and if it doesn't get closed, it's on me. I was just trying to see if a year was a resonable time frame. If I said I wanted to close the #3 in three months or lose 25 lbs. in one week, then those would be goals I'd be likely to fail at. While they may be possible, they are improbable. I suppose I should ask this: If I work my ass off, is it realistic to set one year as time frame for closing the #3?

To-Shin Do


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Oh my God! You're so mean, I can't beleive that you said those kind of things! Okay, I'm just kidding, you weren't harsh, just honest :) I can see where it would look like I want a guarantee, but I don't really. I realize that I'm the only one that will be closing that #3, and if it doesn't get closed, it's on me. I was just trying to see if a year was a resonable time frame. If I said I wanted to close the #3 in three months or lose 25 lbs. in one week, then those would be goals I'd be likely to fail at. While they may be possible, they are improbable. I suppose I should ask this: If I work my ass off, is it realistic to set one year as time frame for closing the #3?

To-Shin Do


What gripper did you start at? How long have you been working towards the 2?

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Well, I started a little over 2 years ago with the Trainer. I couldn't quite close that. I worked on it and got to the point where I could close the #1 pretty regularly. I strated to work on the #2, but got a new job with crappy hours, soul sucking enviroment, you know. I slacked off on my training, couldn't close the #1 anymore, gained some weight too. About 4 months ago I got back into it, reclsoed the #1 and went to work on #2. I feel that I've done well. My dad has the #1 now, but I'm getting it back so I can work on strap holds. I've also been using the therapy balls, and the Level 2 ones from IM.

To-Shin Do

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