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I Closed The #2


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I closed the #2.....I think it is funny though.....cause I took a break from training a long time back after I closed the master......but I felt like picking um back up......and after messing with the master to see if i could still close it....I could.....so I went ahead and the next day....I closed the #2.......I think I am going to start training again....keeping daily journals....to keep me motivated and on track......Thanks for all the support all you guys have givin me over the times.....I won't forget it... :bow

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Wow! Congratulations. :D

The #2 gripper is my goal too. I was less than 1/32 inch away a few weeks ago, and now on KTA I am 1/4 inch away :cry , but I am hoping the super compensation to occur later on in the program...

I start my third week of KTA tomorrow, but I digress...

Congrats on the close! :bow

Edited by timster
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Congrats Kyle.

Now on to the next level. :D

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Congratulations, Kyle! You can't drop 'em now!

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Congrats! Now aim for a harder gripper and keep up the good work! :mosher

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Excellent progress Kyle!  What's your next goal gripper?

I would not say excellent what would have been excellent would be me not taking a break from them for such a long time and closing the #3 I know I could have done it.....lol....I only trained like 2 months 3 at the most and I closed the #2.......so Yeah thanks for your support guys...... :bow ..........I need to get off my ass and start training...School first though.......

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Kyle, the grippers are so portable that surely you could take them with you to school. I take mine with me to work. You didn't mention what your goal gripper is now. Super Master maybe? By the way, where do you live? Your tagline says that you closed the #2 on 11-29-04. It's 11-28-04 where I'm at.

Edit: I just read again and saw where you live... :D

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Well since I got a crap load of grippers.....Imma AIM for the gripper that is stonger than the #2......but not as strong as the #3.......I might get discouraged....if I grab the #3 and keep pounding on it......I'd much rather go down the line test myslef later on my #3 and watch the gap get smaller and smaller till I crush it......If I stay ontrack and Keep at it....and Keep my Journals to keep me in sight of my goals......hell I could come close to shuting the #3....not to much longer from now....

I hope to get close to it before the Arnold next year....well see what happens...I got all the time in the world....don't have a job..im 17 go to school.....so I got all the time to train and study and play video games and all that good stuff.....I actually closed the gripper bofore this sunday but I forgot what day I closed it so i just put up todays date...... :D

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Congrats man, I'm about 3/4" away from doing that. Hey! Do you live in the same Middletown as me? I just saw that. PM time!

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Good job ! On to the Galaxy ! :D

ohhhh I closed that one yesterday....no wait was that the WT...no....yeah It was the Galaxy :help

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I closed the #2.....I think it is funny though.....cause I took a break from training a long time back after I closed the master......but I felt like picking um back up......and after messing with the master to see if i could still close it....I could.....so I went ahead and the next day....I closed the #2.......I think I am going to start training again....keeping daily journals....to keep me motivated and on track......Thanks for all the support all you guys have givin me over the times.....I won't forget it... :bow


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