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Turkey Day + 1

Sean Dockery

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Man oh Man oh Man!

Just walked in from our little get together. Eli72, Cliff (Eli's brother, but not a member here), Jake Brooks, stew2, nickr104, and myself had an absolute blast for about 3 hours today.

Let me tell you, Eli and Clif are STROOOOOONG! Both got the Inch replica above their knees...they had never seen it before! Both also lifted the Blob! Eli threw my kegs around like toys..literally. Very nice guys and very strong!

Nicki got most everything that happened on video. We're gonna watch the tape to make sure everything is clear, and then send it to Bill for processing.

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Man oh man is right!

Eli is strong but Cliff is the deceptive one, Cliff has no prior grip training except for a homemade rolling thunder that he has been training with for a mont or so. Cliff walked in and picked the Inch up like it as a loaf of bread and then proceded to own the Blob the first time he touched it hell saw it for that matter. That kid is a raw talent...untapped potential, hell he is only20 or 21, 6'1" 215. Side note all of cliff's lifting was done sucking on a huge lip of Coppenhagen. (Studies have shown Nicotiene to lower strength levels by as much as 10%)

More to come......

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Let me tell you, Eli and Clif are STROOOOOONG!  Both got the Inch replica above their knees...they had never seen it before!  Both also lifted the Blob!  Eli threw my kegs around like toys..literally.

Eli Thomas is the one to watch in 2005!! Mark my words, this young man has some talent when it comes to feats of grip strength!! :bow

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I just noticed a pattern developing. We've gotten together on a monthly basis to have a training day.

Should we continue this? We could have rotating locations. Or just keep it at my place. Suggestions for a December date? Obviously, Christ Mass makes the 24th and 25th unlikely. How about the 26th? The previous Saturday (18th) would work well too. I'll be out of town from the 24th - Jan 1, but I guess I can miss out if those dates work best.

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Thanks everyone

It was awsome everyone had a lot of fun. My forearms are smoked today. :mosher

Cliff was amazing, the only training he done prior was his homemade RT to help his rehab!!If he gets into it watch out :rock

I think it would be awsome to do that once a month, we have 1 more wall to put up and our weight room will be done so dec or jan we can do it in somerset if it's cool

Last night we put 1 wall up and I could barely swing a hammer :cry

Eli Kiener

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A once a month Griptogether sounds awesome, the only thing is Docs got all of the equipment so we might have to do it at his place, unless it is a bring your own equipment type deal. As far as planning for it we should designate a weekend every month for instance the third weekend of each month or whatever. As long as it does not fall on a holiday I don't see why something like that would'nt work.

What ever the arangement I am up for it!

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Hey, I don't have that much stuff.....

I can throw a couple blockweights, the Inch, and my thickbars in the back of my truck and go anywhere that's got plates.

So Dec 18th?

Where should we do it?

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What carzy stuff were you other guys pulling off? Don't hold out on us, Sean and Jake.


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Ahhh, what else did we do?

Doc and Nick were playing with blobs like they were tinker toys. Nick's brother Stu did a little bit of everything from bending shoes to almost lifting the blob 50. Stu was schooling people on the blob 40 curl "Napalm" style. We all did some stuff with my 65lb and 70lb cylinder blocks ( I got my 65 for the first time that day) there was some one hand snatching on the 2" bar.

Then we moved outside and started playing with kegs (mainly the 140 sand filled). Eli and I were Snatching it like nobodies buisness and the we started shouldering it one handed (1 arm pull from between the legs popped up and shouldered in mid air). had a game of Keg push back, shouldered some stones and then went back inside.

after returning to the shed we then bent 1/2 inch re-bar and had some more fun with the Inch. Sean, Eli Cliff and I were attempting 2 hand shoulder and press all of us got it to the shoulder easly but it was the press that shut us doun. Eli and I then tried a 2 hand snatch, Eli got it and I was real close.

That is the short version, I would say all in all everyone had a great day training wise, there were many feets accolplished for thr first time. And speaking for me, friday raely let me discover some of my functional weaknesses ( mainly thick bar ) so it really gave me some focus for the months to come.

Bottom line is we will all get stronger and night of strength will be fun as hell! (makin' the call early)


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Wate till you see hte video guys. Some very good stuff!!! Eli and cliff are monsters!! :bow aLL THE STUFF i taped outside is really good! The inside suff is in and out mainly because of all the poeple standing in teh shed. SO at times i get alot of guy butt with the lifting more so when i had the cam set up in the corrner. Over all it was good i think. The inch lifting blobs and keg stuff is probably the best on there and my bro bending the shoe. :bow These guys are huge! I think you are going to like the video bill. We will try and get it out to you early next week. :rock:rock

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Keiner boy from Somerset, Ohio - Sheridan High School football player??? - I've watched him play ball (or a brother, cousin etc) . I seem to remember more than one Keiner playing ball there. Hey, I just live 15 minutes from Somerset. I don't have as many toys as you guys have but I'd be glad to host a get together sometime. I've wanted to get up to Sean's but it just hasn't worked out yet. Burn some steaks, lift heavy stuff, whatever.

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Hey guys Ijust want to say I had a great time and thanks for all the inspiration and all the great info I pick up alot of good tips. I have to say I agree with Eli it was awesome and I did alot of switching hands on the steering wheel for the 3 hr drive home. I don't know where to begin with how impressed I was in everybody's performance. :bow Eli and Cliff I was in total awe when they both got the inch above the knee the first try ever and I think the first time even seeing it. :bow Doc amazes me with something every time I see him work out the over hand toss and catch on the 50 blob is just awesome :bow and my little bro on the stones and smoking through the cards at the end of the work out then through a quarter of that deck the bomb :bow . Jake with the two hand inch snatching and toss that keg with Eli and Cliff like it was a rag doll out standing . :bow I think the thing that caught me the most off gaurd was Cliff no real amount of recent training and nurse back a injury on the arm and hand doing the blob,inch,and throwing kegs the first day the kiener family has DNA people would pay good money for.

All in all it was a great time and well worth the drive. I do it agian just to rack the weights for these guys. I would be all for a ounce a monther I think it would be cool if it could bonce around to different spots so a broader range of people could meet eachother and share the love for weight and next day pain. I'm alittle short on grip equip but have agood base of plate wieght and bars and am working on picking up more grip stuff (some in the makes as we speak). Well let me know and I'll try to make it had agreat time and can't wait to see the whol tape together thanks. :bow:bow:bow

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Clear your calendars for Dec 18th. Location TBA.

Come see amazing stuff go down. Will more of Jake's kin come out of the woodwork to amaze and astound? Will Stew defeat the Blob?

There's only one way to find out!

Come see A Gripmas Carol (or insert your cool name for the event here) live and in person!

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