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Pinching Rubberized Hex Dumbbells On End

Steve Freides

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Just for fun one day a couple of weeks ago I tried pinching gripping the "barbie" rubberized hex dumbbells at my gym on end. I ended up getting :45 with a pair of 15 lb. dumbbells (that's one each hand in case it's not clear), piss poor performance indeed, and as I'm the only serious lifter in the gym I go to, I was also embarassed that a few other folks were able to outdo me - one guy, admittedly someone who used to lift a lot more weight than I ever have, pinched gripped the same pair of 15's for 2:00.

A couple of days ago I realized that how you place your fingers really matters - I was putting my thumb on one of the six sides, my ring and pinkie fingers opposite my thumbs, and the other two fingers in the middle - not only piss poor lifting on my part but piss poor thinking as well! I switched to having either my index and middle fingers directly opposite my thumbs or even three fingers on the surface opposite my thumbs - big difference, got 1:00 the first time I tried it.

If any of you grip meisters would like to make me feel truly weak, try pinching gripping a pair of 15 lb. rubberized hex-headed dumbbells on end for time and let me know how you do, or pick an even bigger size and have at it.

Any further tips on how best to attack this one would be welcomed. I like the general idea of this one because, unlike a "blob", you don't need a hacksaw and can do this at most gyms, even the fluffy ones.

Thanks in advance.


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Steve, I'll let you know how I do. I already do this for fun. My girlfriend has a large range of Keys rubber-encased dumbbells that I sometimes pinch grip. I haven't done it for time though. I'll get back to you. Some of the freaks here might run out of patience before they run out of strength. :D

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Some of the freaks here might run out of patience before they run out of strength. :D

Yeah, grip endurance isn't something you hear too much about, at least I haven't, and because the dumbbells get pretty big in a hurry, 15 lbs. for time feels like a good way to build a base of strength for a wide pinch grip. If I get a chance, I'll measure these to see how wide they are - I should be over there on Monday if not before.


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I have been doing that for a very long time with Standard Iron hex DB's. In my gym in my basement I have two of everything from 5 pound DB's up to 100 pound DB's. I often stand them on end and lift them with the fingers. I have gotten a 45 and a 50 now and then. But I can do a 35 and 40 anytime. Just work on them in-between sets during a workout. That's what I do now and then. You'll get stronger at it as time goes by.


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I have been doing that for a very long time with Standard Iron hex DB's.  In my gym in my basement I have two of everything from 5 pound DB's up to 100 pound DB's.  I often stand them on end and lift them with the fingers.  I have gotten a 45 and a 50 now and then.  But I can do a 35 and 40 anytime.  Just work on them in-between sets during a workout.  That's what I do now and then.  You'll get stronger at it as time goes by.


This gym has up to 25 lb. in pairs and a single 30 lb. I'll give them a try on Monday to see what my 1RM is like. I think there's another room w/ iron hex dumbbells - I'll try to check that out. I don't have anything except a cheapie screw-on dumbbell set here because I use kettlebells for most things that don't require a barbell.


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Ok, Sounds good.


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