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Grip Battle Today

Steve B.

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We had a little grip together today at my place prepareing for the Grip gathering and doing our grip bash events before the deadline.There were meatloaf,handgripperman,kingcrusher,Jeff B.and myself.We had a blast.

Some highlights were kingcrusher whipping us in the R.T. tug o war with myself being dragged around my yard in the finals against him.We do this untill someone loses there grip not across a line or anything.We will definatly do this at the Gathering.We all did v-bar and handgripper and meatloaf ripped small parts of thier hands and bled. Jeff B. did a 47 1/2 lb.I.M. hub lift.Handgripperman held two 35's out at shoulder level for a few seconds while holding the hubs.We did a wrist roller set up in the power rack at about chest level with kingcrusher and myself halling up 200lb.from the floor to chest level or as far as it would roll up.We stopped here as our hands were getting seriously chewed up from the knurling on the wrist roller.We did two hand grip machine for reps with 100lbs.Again king crusher won with 61 non stop reps.Plate pinching with 25's for time was mine as i won both right and left for time.Jeff B. and king had to leave so handgripper meat and my self did neck lifts with the I.M.neck harness.Meat hit 350lbs.i did 250lbs.and handgripper got 200lbs.

Before all this started i did a deadlift workout and pulled 405 for ten reps an over forty p.r. for me.all in all a good day for all.

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yes it was a fun get together,my hands have 6 bloodspots on them from either new lil rips and/or old callouses ripping. they hurt to make a fist. grrrrr.

i also got 193lbs on the rolling thunder(this is my first experiance with the rt) and i went for 203 but just made it barely break ground.

i like that rt tug o war its fun.

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These weekly reports are great, do you guys plan on hooking up

and reporting about it regularly?

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Yah we do. I wish I was one of them but Handgripperman and King Crusher are guys to watch out for. HG reps the #3 and can close it tetting style with no set and King can thickbar anything. It's depressing because my middle finger and thumb are like an inch and a quarter apart, HG is 1/2" away and King's fingers touch! Everybody has different advantages, and these guys will use their gifts to lift some serious weight.

Oh yeah watch out for Steve B. He's a real turd burglar :)

hahah seriously, he's great too!


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These are just kind of informal when every one has time.Luckly the past two Sat.everyone had some time to get together.When we do get together i'll give some kind of report on the board.

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Yeah Tom that is pretty fun and that's kind of when we did it right before a coiple of guys had to leave.Your hand is already blasted you have to dig down for little extra.The reason we don't have a line rule is because of the diffrent size of everybody so it's just see who can hang on and rip the R.T. out of the others guys hand twisting,jerking any way to make your opponent let go with out touching him.I was being pulled all over the place before my grip gave out.And you need a bit of space like a back yard or something.

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