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I have been using choker for couple of months and noticed that gripper feels lot tougher when I use the choker. Has anyone noticed anything similar?


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Jees I just ordered 2 from PDA to help me close...I thought.

Could it be the lack of momentum from no sweep?

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The motion of the spring changes in a choker, which I think is the major cause for the increased difficulty.

It almost bends over itself.


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The better leverage gained should more than compensate for any motion deviance, if any. In fact, I find the motion to be much more natural when in a choker. But maybe that's just the case with RB:s? (Only grippers I've tried)

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I find that they make negatives and strapholds (#2 or below) easier but as far as goal attempts, they make them harder for me. I guess because of lack of momentum.

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Jedd has a good point.

Also, the gripper will feel harder to move because instead of having a soft sweep when the handles are 3" apart, you have to basically go from not using any crush to using full force all at once. If you wanted to equate it to lifting, it's like bench pressing from the bottom position with bands attached - you have to hit it hard, push fast, and finish the lift explosively.

Choker work is what has brought my crush up considerably. Work on speed and explosiveness in the crush after you set it and that will help you gain ground. Chokers just eliminate the need for a set. Sometimes I'll throw a #3 in a choker and see how fast I can knock out reps; just a very explosive close then let my hand open up and relax for a split second so the handles can come back to parallel, then explode into it again.

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I agree with what Clay is saying. I like to put my #4 in the choker which puts it at a shade outside of parallel, get it positioned where I want it but not set it (bring the handles closer) and explode on it for a couple of seconds. Granted it doesn't move a whole lot but it makes parallel to the last 1/8 or so on my MM2dud feel like a toy (when I'm fresh).

Edited by jad
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I did some work recently with a hose clamp. I got stronger at the close position and quickly. But it did not transfer over to a no set close, at least for me. At first it was relatively difficult for me to even close a #2 with the handles set about an inch apart. Within a month or so I was closing my Cert GM with the handles set an inch apart. When I went back to my usual practice of no set closes I felt a little bit weaker overall, not stronger. I think choker work with the idea of certifying with a deep set is great. The carryover must be very high. I wish it had helped my no set close as well.

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On my pda chokers there are two positions P1 and P2.

The P1 position is very close to the "credit card" set...and I

would guess certainly help with no sets. The second position

P2 is the parallel set being discussed here...I can see why

that smaller set may not transfer over to a "no-set"

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