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Grippers And Finger Strength


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i used to have week finger couple months ago. this past summer i tried curling 25 pounders, i had a hell of a time. then i started using grippers. then this week i tried curling a 35 pound plate to my suprise i managed to curl the 35 pounders two times. i believe that grippers strengthen wrists and fingers also. the curls i did are not the most perfect form but i fairly decent. the other guys couldnl't even budget. what do you think

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i believe that grippers strengthen wrists and fingers also.

You are on to something, young man! :bow

I always felt the grippers did a lot of benefit work to lifts like deadlifting, even though I think most people don't think so - strong fingers mean holding onto the bar harder and with more confidence, hence a better grip and lift. :)

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I can close a #4 on occasion and still can't curl a 35lb plate, so the correlation isn't there for me

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that theory is shot down....

For Clay it is! :);)

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I believe two finger pinching would have a greater carry over to plate curls than grippers would. The finger and hand position along with the action of the thumb mimic the movement well. I think there are other finger strength exercises that would display the finger strength gained by crush training better than plate curls. Eagle Loops and rope pullups come to mind.

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in terms of grip strength. Finger lifts and grippers help out on all DB and BB lifts. I find for me Clubbells work every grip aspect so they help with the grippers and everything else. Grippers will help everything else out too. Finger, grippers don't help regarding wrist strength though. For me anyways. :blink

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