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Are You Trying To Close The #3


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Just curious how many on here are training to close the #3 and what are you doing to acheive it?

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i would like to some day,

right now what i do is set myself a small goal to achieve, and once that is achieved i set myself another small goal, each time coming closer and closer.

i'm using a modified version of KTA which i have found works best for me. lots of strap holds with a filed down gripper and severe negatives, and negatives on the TTK mixed with singles on the TTK.

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I am training to close the #3 using KTA. Just started training 9/23

could barely do the #1. I can close the #2 which was my original

goal gripper. I have since raised my KTA goal gripper to BBSM

and have been 1/8" away from that. I still have 5.5 more weeks

of KTA left. After this cycle I will be going after the #3. I have been

told I may even be able to close an easy #3 when I have success

with my Cert BBSM.

KTA it works.

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I am. My best try so far got me within 2-3mm of closing my #3. It wasn´t a deep set but even if I had closed it that day it would not have been a legal close in regard to IM credit card rule.

My main goal is not to close the #3 but to bend a red and that´s what I´m training mostly for but I do some gripper-work as well. I usally do hard overcrushes with my filed #2 and max attempts with my #4. I´m not toutching my #3 for the moment, I want to see if I can get it without training with it :D

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Yep. Still trying to close the damn thing. Had two injuries along the way which set me back a bit. But best so far is 3 touches of the handles with a deep set. WIthout a deep set I can get to about half a centimeter. So close , yet so far!

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i am training to close it now...on a credit card, i am a little over parallel usually..my best was 1/4 away.....i want to start KTA, and i will on christmas day when i get my #4 from my parents...doing alot of pinching and dynamic thumbg right now

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Add me to the list.

No KTA (yet), but I am applying proven strength building science.

I am hoping to get the 2 by 12/30/04, and that would give me 6 months to spend solely in search of that elusive #3 close.

If I can not get it by then, KTA hear I come.


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best for me was about 1mm and i dont really set at all.

but now ive fallen off that mark some.

i did close the 3 in a hoseclamp set to just bigger then paralle

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I dream about the perfect #3 close.... something like Kinney did in the video... he rolled the gripper shut and ground it to dust!! :bow:bow

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I've been training to close it, using KTA, closed it once in the summer then took five weeks off from grippers for contest, started again mid-september, last night actually got two singles with the #3 only problem is it's with a fairly deep set.

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what about the neck bridge no set #3 in one hand and an anvil or something in the other :bow

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I'm still working on closing the #2 consistently but thats part of my training to get to the #3

I train with very low volume because I just can't handle high volume work and I seem to make pretty good gains on as low as a few reps per workout twice a week.

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I'm still working on closing the #2 consistently but thats part of my training to get to the #3

I train with very low volume because I just can't handle high volume work and I seem to make pretty good gains on as low as a few reps per workout twice a week.

I wish I was so Fortunate to gain on few reps/ twice a week, I've exxperimented and I need the type of Volume that KTA recommend, although I read Joe Kinney's section in the Captians of Crush book and his method sounded very interesting.

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I have either lost (loaned out and they lost) or sold all of my #3s. I now wish that I hadn't done that. I am more interested in a no set close of my Cert GM but would definitely like to see if I can no set close an "average" #3. I'm guessing that I could now. Would certainly be nice to certify with a table no set close of the #3!

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I have either lost (loaned out and they lost) or sold all of my #3s.  I now wish that I hadn't done that.  I am more interested in a no set close of my Cert GM but would definitely like to see if I can no set close an "average" #3.  I'm guessing that I could now.  Would certainly be nice to certify with a table no set close of the #3!

I thought the grandmaster was very close to a #3, same wire size right?

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I`m also on the quest for the #3. My problem is trying to get the #2 closed on a regular basis, and since i have been card tearing and bending more my hands have been shot to hell. i think i might ease back a bit on the card tearing since i have ripped a few decks on a normal basis "eventhough the cards i tear are just under a bee deck". also can`t be happier right now with bending ... i am up to bending 5 6inch grade 2 bolts in a row. i think by my birthday i hope to beat the #3 into submission

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I have closed the #3 in front of two board members here, though I haven't been consistant enough to video it. But what I find helpful , is change. I did KTA and it was great, than I did a series of speed closes and negatives and that bumped me up a spot , then extreme negatives. And now a KTA-like session is what I'm doing and I'm finally getting regular at closing the #3.

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