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Angle Measurments


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I was just browsing in the hardware store the other day and found an angle measureing device thing. (forgot what it's called)

It is magnetic and has a dial on it. When you tilt it the arrow always points upward, and you can read the angle on the dail.

Anyway, next week I'm going to see how far from killing a red I am in degrees. I'm guessing around 30 right now. Should be a fun little toy.

It cost a little under 10 bucks. Guess I could have bought a protractor for a quarter but this looked much more sophisticated and I had 10 bucks at the time.

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Sounds like a neat toy. I can't remember what they're called but we used to use them in geology to measure the angles on crystals.

Dwell not upon your weariness, for your strength shall be according to the measure of your desire.

Jeff Ford

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