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Weak Start, Strong Finish


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ok guys....something seriously wrong here.....i bend DO, but as of late im having some technique anomolies.....i have a very weak kink......i train with a 16lb sledge, and just manage to lever it 18''from the head, on a 32'' handle. yet, i still cant kink a couple brands of 60D. so last not i got curious. i took a G5 and bent it to 45degress with some pipes....than crushed it down without a whole lot of effort. so, further purplexed, i took a G8 to 45degrees. same thing, just more effort. now im really stoked.......so after an hour, i took a RED clone to 45degrees......hardest crush of my life, but i did it....its a bit over 2'', like 2 1/8....but so what? my point is this pisses me off....im not trying to say i cound bend a red with a stronger kink, but i know i could bend a G5 with one....does this just sound like tech to you guys? if so, then i think i would do well to learn eric milfields style, and stick to the big hammers for wrists.

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Up until about July, my crush down was my strongest part of the bend. Although I had only bent a few G5's in a row before, I could cheat bend a red to 40 degrees and finish it off unbraced. So I got some 5/16" CRS and cut it to 7" lengths like the red. Then I cheat-kinked one to 40 degrees and finished it off, then I'd do one from 35 degrees, then 30, etc. I was stuck around 20 degrees when I learned how to do the DO folding style. Then I was able to make an initial kink of 30-45 degrees on a red and crushing it down was easy.

I think one of the best things I ever did for my double overhand bending was to build up my strength on those prekinked CRS bars, working my way from 60 degrees on down. Now, on the shorter reds, my crush down is my weakness.

And nowadays, trying to crush really short stuff makes my neck and shoulder ache so I am trying to move on to bigger steel rather than shorter!

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Dude I know what you mean clay. Ive been laid up for like 5 days. I pinched somthing bad in my neck/trap area :(. God im glad i didnt get my hopes up of bending a red real soon, but it will come.

BTW im going to try that cheat kink thing

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Thanks, Clay. That sounds like solid advice, I'll have to give it a try. Funny thing about bending and the neck. It seems the only bending-related injury I have had is when I tore something in my neck. I'm doing a lot of neck work now and I'll also incorporate the partial cheat starts.

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The hardest part of my bend is the middle. I've never had a piece of metal I couldn't crush down, and with verticle style you can kink metal pieces well out of your range. (Some people tell me they can't get a timber tie that way but if you don't use it I guess so.) I do alot of upper body training that uses the crushing power of my chest, and it has made me strong in that position so I don't find it odd that your two ranges of motion are at completely different levels.

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I can relate to this, I've been trying in vain to kink a G5 for weeks now and tried the same thing.

Once it was at 40 degrees i crushed it down fairly easy but i still can't get more than a tiny kink in a G5. I'm hoping to break through it with some FBBC stock and lots of levering. I'll also try the prekinking tip

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