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A More Structured Routine


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Hello All!!

I've been training my grip more seriously since july but i'm not following a very structured routine.This is what i've bee doing:

Monday: Fullbody workout + plate pinches(best is 2 10k plates/5 singles)

Tuesday: Grippers (warm-up with trainer;5-10 singles with #1,one minute rest)

Wednesday:Fullbody workout+wristroller(2" thick/standing between two benches)

Thursday: Grippers (same as tuesday)

Friday: Fullbody workout + cube pinches (5 singles)

Saturday: no training

Sunday: Grippers(same as tuesday and thursday)

My questions:

- I do five singles trying to add weigth via a strap.I read an old David Horne article in HG were he recommended doing 5 singles,then two more sets,holds for time using an 80% of your max.Will 30 seconds be enough?

-The days that i use the grippers i also use two different pony clamps,doing a hold for time.Should the pony clamps be used before or after the coc's?

-I'm also doing some extension using rubber bands after the grippers,2 sets of 15-20 reps.Is it wrong to add so many bands that i can only do around 6-10eps,like a max effort or should i go for the burn :D

- I'm also going to buy some dexterety(sp?) balls and probably the Ironmind Outer Loops,where should i fit them in my schedule?

My short term goals are:

-Close the #2 COC

-Pinch 2 15kg plates

Sorry if i'm doing too many questions :blush


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I do five singles trying to add weigth via a strap.I read an old David Horne article in HG were he recommended doing 5 singles,then two more sets,holds for time using an 80% of your max.Will 30 seconds be enough?
Progression is the key. Pick a time and try and progress from it. Keep track.
-The days that i use the grippers i also use two different pony clamps,doing a hold for time.Should the pony clamps be used before or after the coc's?

What do you use the pony clamps for? Dynamic thumb? I do it after COC's.

-I'm also doing some extension using rubber bands after the grippers,2 sets of 15-20 reps.Is it wrong to add so many bands that i can only do around 6-10eps,like a max effort or should i go for the burn 
I think you need to pick one way and decide on a progession scheme.
- I'm also going to buy some dexterety(sp?) balls and probably the Ironmind Outer Loops,where should i fit them in my schedule?

Many use the balls on their off days for active recovery. Outer loops can take the place of the rubber bands after you do grippers.

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What do you use the pony clamps for? Dynamic thumb? I do it after COC's.
Aren't the pony clamps useful for pinch gripping? Your post on the HGRT influenced my decision to buy them :bow

Btw,i do a hold for time-30 seconds.

I think you need to pick one way and decide on a progession scheme.

Yeah,i've made my mind.I really need the extensor work,i think i'm on the way to a nasty elbow tendinitis.Too much entusiasm for pinching plates...lifted 3 plates from the ground today(5kg each),this stuff is adictive.

Many use the balls on their off days for active recovery. Outer loops can take the place of the rubber bands after you do grippers.

I'll follow your advice.

Thank you so much Bill!!

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What do you use the pony clamps for? Dynamic thumb? I do it after COC's.

Aren't the pony clamps useful for pinch gripping? Your post on the HGRT influenced my decision to buy them :bow

Btw,i do a hold for time-30 seconds.

I think you need to pick one way and decide on a progession scheme.
Yeah,i've made my mind.I really need the extensor work,i think i'm on the way to a nasty elbow tendinitis.Too much entusiasm for pinching plates...lifted 3 plates from the ground today(5kg each),this stuff is adictive.
Many use the balls on their off days for active recovery. Outer loops can take the place of the rubber bands after you do grippers.

I'll follow your advice.

Thank you so much Bill!!

They are used for dynamic thumb. In essence, pinching with the thumb in somewhat isolation. :)

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