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John Brookfield's New Ripley's Cartoon


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How many times will someone remind of this cartoon! :angry: We KNOW about it already... thanks. :dry

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Well he gets to plug John and not get deleted where as I only have to hint at my gripperbook and....

But seriously - 7 posts and it's all Kissing Johns ass!!

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Well he gets to plug John and not get deleted where as I only have to hint at my gripperbook and....

But seriously - 7 posts and it's all Kissing Johns ass!!

Sorry Mobster, I just noticed his posting history. :cry

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I'm kidding. Every single one of his posts is to use a Brit phrase - a mighty piss take. Apart from the one mention I'd have said it was John himself.

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This is a pretty obnoxious case but what is exactly the policy for this type of behavior? I have noticed that some people can plug their stuff all they want but others get cut off abruptly with no distinction made between either case. Somewhat along the same lines, how would someone go about becoming a sponsor of the board?

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This is a pretty obnoxious case but what is exactly the policy for this type of behavior?   I have noticed that some people can plug their stuff all they want but others get cut off abruptly with no distinction made between either case.  Somewhat along the same lines, how would someone go about becoming a sponsor of the board?

Well, this board is to talk about grip training.

When someone poses as a contributing member and posts about someone's site/products then that's pretty blatant. In this particular case, it took many posts and me looking at his posting history.

This whole issue came up previously which spawned the Selling and Buying forums.

We have a rule on ads/spamming. In this case, it would be considered spamming although a very sneaky way.

"I have noticed that some people can plug their stuff all they want"

Who would this be? Maybe I missed the trend.

Once someone starts or owns a full blown business for selling equipment, that's a definitive line.

If someone makes a few pieces (DVD, grip tool, etc.) for example, and puts it in the selling forum, then the line becomes fuzzy and I will always give way to the well established member who contributes to discussions, etc. Say a member started an official "business" say calling it Grip Gods Tools then they would not be allowed to start plugging their stuff in the selling forum.

With respect to sponsorship, they would contact me obviously.

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This is a pretty obnoxious case but what is exactly the policy for this type of behavior?

I think the policy should be to delete ALL of this members posts and kick this person off of the forum for life! :angry:

Brookfield gets enough press on this forum from the rest of us, and he certainly doesn't need someone to run his PR for him! :dry

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Brookfield gets enough press on this forum from the rest of us, and he certainly doesn't need someone to run his PR for him!  :dry

He's got MILO and Iron Mind running his PR.

Ya know he can do some cool things but sorry,he's not the second coming of Christ and IMO isn't anywhere near having the strongest hands/wrists/forearms in the world.He deserves respect for what he DID...but I'd rather hear about/read about what people can do...as in the present.What the guys that are competing are doing now.The new monsters.The new experts.

There are other times when I read a new MILO and read the rehashed stories about the same friggin people I just want to scream.

Sometimes its just time to get on with things...and live in the present.

Just my opinion.

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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Brookfield gets enough press on this forum from the rest of us, and he certainly doesn't need someone to run his PR for him!   :dry

He's got MILO and Iron Mind running his PR.

Ya know he can do some cool things but sorry,he's not the second coming of Christ and IMO isn't anywhere near having the strongest hands/wrists/forearms in the world.He deserves respect for what he DID...but I'd rather hear about/read about what people can do...as in the present.What the guys that are competing are doing now.The new monsters.The new experts.

There are other times when I read a new MILO and read the rehashed stories about the same friggin people I just want to scream.

Sometimes its just time to get on with things...and live in the present.

Just my opinion.

I agree 100%.

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but I'd rather hear about/read about what people can do...What the guys that are competing are doing now.The new monsters.The new experts.

Why don't you write some articles on this Tom? Based on the things you have reported, it seems like the talent level at your gym far exceedes the combined talent of the whole board.

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Why don't you write some articles on this Tom? Based on the things you have reported, it seems like the talent level at your gym far exceedes the combined talent of the whole board.

I don't know about the rest of you but I found that hilarious.

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Take some Midol, Sybersnott

Yes, Doctor Edgin! :tongue:laugh

(Don't you mean some PROZAC??)

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but I'd rather hear about/read about what people can do...What the guys that are competing are doing now.The new monsters.The new experts.

Why don't you write some articles on this Tom? Based on the things you have reported, it seems like the talent level at your gym far exceedes the combined talent of the whole board.

by bringing up the comparison of the "whole board"you make it seem like my reports are to "out do"the board.They aren't.it's nothing "against"the "whole board".

They are just either training reports OR some reports of competitions or in some cases lifts that were done at a competition.

I report what I see and it happens to be some high level grip feats.By a few different lifters that live in the area.i have also reported Some decent but not even great feats of overall strength.And some heavy work outs...

If it were normal weights or average poundage that i reported? OR if this person or that person got last place in a strongman contest or couldn't deadlift the INCH replica first try?then you wouldn't even notice.

If my reports were that Joe Schmoe entered the Pro Am contest and held the Hercules hold for 30 seconds or that Joe Schmoe incline pressed the 120's in a work out.....there wouldn't be any "remarks".Or "joe Schmoe"and his training partner tried to lift the INCH replica but it "spun out of their hand".....it would go down with all the other training reports and back and forth banter between forum members.

Was the Rolling Thunder fixed so he could ties Pfister and beat Wade,karl,Pope,etc?A lot of these guys have been written up as Grip legends?

Did they lighten the weight of the Hercules hold when he beat all the top Pros and amateurs in the United states.Pfister has the longest hold of the Hercules hold in WSM history.In his first amateur strongman contest he beat the world record holder.

not news?

I'll repeat this.As an amateur in his first ever strongman contest a guy that works out the local gym beat the very best in the world at a grip even.The Hercules Hold.Thats not worth talking about?

He went first in the hercules hold-thus set the time to beat.Nobody could catch up to this amateur strongmans time.Not even Odd haugen,Van hatfield,Phil Pfister,etc.

Was this not newsworthy?Was the 2nd place at the Rolling Thunder nationals -tie of Phil Pfister-not at least "sort of"amazing...done by an amateur who had only lifted weight for two years.

I'm sure if this person was a member of the board or a friend of another "more popular"forum member it would be high fived and yadd-yadda yadded till the cows came home.

Other than my reports?Other than people i have met or train with?Everytime we turn around we find out about someone new or extremely strong .For the

I could name a dozen remarkable feats by other athletes (not locals)that will never get reported in MILO.

The double INCH famers walk?(joel Sward)

One of the greatest feats of strength ever,IMO,didn't get reported.

Pexter almost push pressing the INCH?

It remains to be seen whether the first ever,video taped, full clean of the INCH and full press of the INCH replica-done by ryan green will make it into the magazine.

Probably not.

Just these three feat surpasses(IMO,in all respects)all of the same old things/people we read about each issue.

As people do this-that -and the other thing with the INCH(in other words do some amazing stuff with it),In MILO we will read about someone that can't even budge the INCH off the floor -instead.

Great feats rarely gets reported in Milo.I'm not talking about just around here...local guys-I'm talking about a lot of other feats.Other athletes.

When somebody does something incredible?!I think its newsworthy.

In a Journal for Serious Strength Athletes?i think reporting serious feats of strength might be considered.

When one of your friends or MILO buddies enters a Pro/Am strongman contest-as an amateur- and in HIS first amateur strong man contest beats the absolute best in the world at the Hercules Hold?Beats half the pros in the Yoke walk after he drops it once,(big set back if you've ever practiced the event- for speed)beats about half the pros in the Conans circle,and has the fastest 50 ft split on the farmers walk of anyone there?-

please let US know.

if you do something of that nature,again,please let us know.

i am NOT being sarcastic.i really do want to hear about it.

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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i can't help it if 129lb.Rex McClaren can out squat and out deadlift you Meatloaf. :D

He works out at the gym from time to time.Not a regular but lives 25 miles away.

i can't help it is another guy that lives about 20 miles away..slammed the number #3 shut the first time he touched it.I don't mean Josh Bigger -who also slammed the #3 shut infront of multiple witnesses....I mean Kenny Blackman,former Bengal. ;) lives just across the river.Closed it in front of a good witness too. ;)

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You don't have to, just send em' in to MILO, or Pure Power, or Monster Muscle or whatever.

I have no idea how Strossen chooses what to report and what not to report and it certainly boggles my mind as to some of the things that he is clearly aware of but chooses not to point out.

Regardless of what I think, the fact of the matter is that he is limited by the material and information that people provide him with and if nobody writes an article/tells him about some amazing feats of strength etc, just how is he supposed to put it in the magazine?

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