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Crushing Handshake


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i have a problem. everytime a person shakes hands with me, it seems like they squeeze. and this one time a man squeezed my hand then i squeezed him back. the thing is my grip was stronger, but i could not bring him down to his knees. i always read if you train your grip hard that you can do that. if you can squeez a number three or four. would it be possible to do that. the reason why i am writing this is that i do grappling. and that is what i want. everytime i grab someone I want them to feel the pain and my power.

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For grappling, grippers, thick bars, and wrist training should benefit you. Check the FAQ section, I think there's some stuff on grip for grapplers in there.

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Bringing someone to their knees by squeezing their hand would be more like a test of grip plus wrist strength as you are trying to lever their arms down.

Keep in mind that shaking someones hand is meant to be a FRIENDLY thing to do.

I've found that a solid handshake has more to do with hand size and thickness than pure strength.

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Yes, it seems like you do have a problem, not lack of hand strength but rather your goal of being able to crush other peoples hands. I don't think that's good goal to train for.

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Yes, it seems like you do have a problem, not lack of hand strength but rather your goal of being able to crush other peoples hands. I don't think that's good goal to train for.

my opinion.

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I think you can have a fairly hard handshake if you are strong. However I've found that the guys that give the hardest handshakes are guys with really big hands. Pretty much the only time I can actually feel a hint of pain is when the guys hands are a good amount bigger than mine. I doubt many people can hurt you with a handshake unless they are super strong and you are super weak. Maybe somone like Andre the Giant could have done it well.

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One of the guys at work has an annual friendly "handshake war" with his brother-in-law at Christmas. On the initial handshake, they apparently do a friendly squeezedown, until they get tired, then do the same the following year.

He got into gripping specifically to improve his handshake. Maybe an unusual reason to get involved, but sounds fun to me, and the more grip fanatics the merrier.

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Many of the most dangerous people in the world that I've had the honor of shaking hands with have had the softest handshakes. Yoou can barely tell their hand is there. The guys that try hard to make a strong impression on me by squeezing my hand as hard as they can upon shaking it just tell me that they have ego problems, and present no threat.

With regards to grappling, you have to train much more than just crush. Thickbar work, Pinch, and levering, are probably more important.

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OT Thaibox - Cool Avatar! where is that pic from?

On Topic - My grip used to be pathetic and I used to get nailed in any sort of grappling/holding contest. I've recently taken up MMA and am doing a lot of grappling and so far my grip has been the last thing to give out.

My training has been almost exclusively bending and i reckon its a pretty good simulation of grabbing a Gi. Thickbar and blocks might be better for simulating grabbing things like wrists and necks.

My .02

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Oct, I got it from some military website. One of the places I train out in the desert is one of the training/testing areas for new Apaches(I live really close to where they're built). So, sometimes while I'm carrying a rock or dragging something, a few will be screwing around right above me. They've been so close, I've saluted a couple pilots before, and they returned them. (I'm stil waiting for the day that one lands, opens up and says "hop on in bud, lets go for a ride") :D . After I see them flying, I get even more fired up and train harder. I've been around lots of different weapons in many different contexts, but the Apache is just something that's always stood out in my mind as the epitomy of power. I'm glad they're on our side.

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Watching too many "Rambo" movies again, huh? :dry

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Why would you want to hurt someone with a hand shake? ;)

Cause hurting people kicks ass.

It's good to be able to do so if you HAVE to.


Well i hope THIS post doesn't get deleted like my other one..... :flame

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Cause hurting people kicks ass.

It's good to be able to do so if you HAVE to.

What you're getting into is a self-defense scenario.

Having to "hurt" someone who is trying to hurt you is justified under some circumstances; again goes to self-defense, which is something I can understand.

And that's what you're talking about, right?

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For sporting handshake crushes amongst friends, I think handsize is significant issue, as well as positioning on the initial contact. I think about everybody has had the "hey, can I have a do over?" on even normal handshakes where the other person holds too early, or something, and you ended up handing them a bizarre hybrid of the dead fish/Queen Elizabeth handshake. I hate that. :blush

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For sporting handshake crushes amongst friends, I think handsize is significant issue, as well as positioning on the initial contact. I think about everybody has had the "hey, can I have a do over?" on even normal handshakes where the other person holds too early, or something, and you ended up handing them a bizarre hybrid of the dead fish/Queen Elizabeth handshake. I hate that. :blush

I hate that. And typically it's someone trying to impress you with their death-grip handshake who intentionally grabs the ends of your fingers. My neighbor gets me every time with that trick. Maybe next time I'll pull away at the last minute, come in from the side with lightning speed, and crush him to dust like a #1.

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