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Humbled By The Rolling Thunder--i Am Weak!


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Yesterday was my first workout with the Rolling Thunder with 125 lbs. I did a few sets of 2 with each arm and was surprised and humbled at the same time. I realized just how pathetic and weak I am in the grip department. I'm trying to come up with a good plan to incorporate rt lifts with my usual standing press/deadlift workout that I do 3 or 4 days per week. :stuart

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I've always liked doing rolling thunder at the end of my workout. Set a goal (sets, reps, etc.), meet it, then up the weight.

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Yesterday was my first workout with the Rolling Thunder with 125 lbs. I did a few sets of 2 with each arm and was surprised and humbled at the same time. I realized just how pathetic and weak I am in the grip department.

IMHO, I think that any heavy RT lift is a deceptive test of strength; you don't know how hard it is UNTIL you try to do it!!

This is what I've noticed... maybe this will help you. Grab that handle and CRUSH it as you lift. Try to make your entire arm as one piece of solid iron! :blink Try to think of yourself as.... Sybersnott! :tongue (o.k. I went too far on that one).

You should also warm up with a light weight first and then add weight a bit at a time going up to a PR. Hope this helps! :happy

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I give the RT its own training day. This is then followed by forearm and wrist work. On the RT I'll do triples, doubles leading up to a max single. I try to add 4 or 5 pounds every week.

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