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Plate Wrist Curls


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has anyone tried plate wristcurl. for me i tried wristcurls with 25' i did a few reps, but are they dangerous for tearing ligaments or damaging fingers. what would be a good goal for wrist curling 25's.. three sets of six maybe would be a good goal to start with. thanks

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Wrist curling a 25 is pretty impressive! I usually go for 3 sets of 10 with either 2 10's, or 2 10's and a 5. Same weight as a 25, but with all the weight in the palm instead of out on the fingertips it becomes easier. I still haven't had any luck wrist curling a 25. Brookfield said he was a beleliver in this exercise, but he didn't go to anything bigger than a 25 to avoid excessive stress on the tendons and potential injury.

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plate wrist curl, is that the same as a normal plate curl but just the motion of a wrist curl.

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Yup, same thing.

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I didn't know the 25 pound wrist curl was so difficult. I though I just sucked at them. 2 10s has become kind of easy for me, I do negatives with 25s and 10Kg plates. I like them.

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There was a previous thread recommending plate wrist curls behind the back. I've tried them both ways and think the behind the back version with two hands works best with less stress on the wrist tendons.

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seems like you work the wrists the same with regular wrist curls, so why add that much extra stress to fingertips that probably get plenty of work already?

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Try them, you'll see how they're a different kind of strain on the wrist and all of the joints in the fingers, as well as the thumb. I think they have alot more carryover to real world applications.

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i use a moderate weight for wrist curls over a bench and heavy weight for power training when i do them behind my back, seems to work well

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On the FI forum that I moderate, there is a guy who is a damn freak about plate curls. Not knowing what to expect, I asked him to post some pics, and what he posted just blew me away! He does 45# Oly plates like nothing... simply amazing! He added a 10 pound plate to it making it 55 pounds; I told him that what he was doing was a world-class feat of grip strength (he was like "oh really?" about it). He also did a very heavy RT lift - like 220 pounds! :ohmy Like I said.... the guy is a freak and came out of virtually nowhere. I told him that he has a real future in the world of grip.

BTW, I think he does know about this forum but for some reason he likes to hang around over at the one I moderate. :happy

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Here's the link

Happened to stumble on these one bored Sunday afternoon. Looks like what I have heard referred to as "pizza box curls" on this board. Not that I have any reason to doubt this guy, but a video of this feat would be nice to show us just how superhuman he is!

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Very impressive, a world class feat. I know only David Horne, who did a 25kg (=55pounds) plate curl! My best is a 15 kg.

Come to the gripboard, man!


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Not that I have any reason to doubt this guy, but a video of this feat would be nice to show us just how superhuman he is!

I asked him about that, and so far getting video of this feat is a no-go. That's not to say he won't do it in the future; I don't think he has access to video. BTW, his real name is Shaun Hainan (does anyone here know about him?).

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