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Pre And Post Gripper Workouts...


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I recently discovered for me that running for twenty minutes right after doing some good KTA gripper style trainning made my hands and forearms feel great! Wannagrip posted that for him a good whole body workout prior to grippers helped him, so I was curious what others have found is good for them pre and post gripper work.


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My grip seems to be in the dumps after any other work unless it's something like thick bar cleans going into thickbar deadlifts.

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Big Steve sells some steel dexterity balls and I read in a thread somewhere that guys freeze them and roll them as a post gripper/grip workouts, tried it a few weeks ago and it works awesome.


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Before, During, and After the workout.


And just when I thought there was no record I could set on the GripBoard.

The "Beer and Grip Contest". At half of this event I would do very well. :D

I would even say world class but I'am modest. :ohmy

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I train high intensity grip stuff after a heavy full body workout. Contrast baths and shot rotation feel great afterwards, as does any dexterous hand activity. For lower intensity, high volume stuff I usually do it on it's own.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I freeze the dexterity balls and roll them too. I love rolling them when I am just sitting around watching TV.

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