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Inverted 2 Finger Closes


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I've started doing these with my pony clamp during the day at work in addition to my regular thumb work. I can feel the strength in my last two fingers starting to increase. I haven't tried any real grippers like this yet, but I probably will tonight. I'm thinking this will help my close catch up to my sweep. Has anyone else tried this?

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I got caught up last night and didn't get around to trying this with a gripper. I'm wondering what grippers some of the bigger crushers on the board can close in this manner?

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ahhh, one of those, they do your hands good then, when do i want to use it?

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I use mine to a sub max level throughout the day, five days a week. Usually do triples, about 10 times throughout the day while I'm at work.

Old Guy - That's a pretty impressive close with just the last 2 fingers! Well done!

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I do the inverted closes last two fingers with

my trainer at work several times a day.

A filed #2 close is awesome OG. :bow

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A 2 is very much easier than a 3. I have not closed a 3 more than a few times, but with all things grip and lifting in general I am inconsistent and unpredictable.

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I witnessed the invereted #2 OG close, and there was an audible grinding click, so there was some power to spare.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Figured I would bring this thread back to life to see who else likes using these. Im horrible at these. Anyone notice a carry over to crush strength in the normal fashion? thanks!


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I tried this for the first time after reading the post by Austin. And failed miserably on the Trainer. Made me feel incredibly weak. I'm interested as others surely are if increasing strength in the last two fingers will have a noticeable carryover to closing bigger grippers. Until I hear differently I guess I'll throw these in every once in a while. Should be a decent party trick to work up to the #1 eventually. And OldGuy, a filed #2 is amazing. :bow

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Lemme ask to clarify, Oldguy, are you using the pinky and ring finger or the index and middle? Either way that is pimp, I just can't do ANYTHING with the pinky/ring and not much more with the index/middle. I only ask cause in your last post it makes it sound like you are just talking about closing the gripper inverted. Which to me feels really akward and I wonder why IM doesn't count it - seems harder to me.

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Lemme ask to clarify, Oldguy, are you using the pinky and ring finger or the index and middle?  Either way that is pimp, I just can't do ANYTHING with the pinky/ring and not much more with the index/middle.  I only ask cause in your last post it makes it sound like you are just talking about closing the gripper inverted.  Which to me feels really akward and I wonder why IM doesn't count it - seems harder to me.

Index and middle fingers. I can close my filed #2 the conventional way with 2 fingers also. Inspite of this I rarely close anything harder. I imagine that any #3 plus closer could do it it easily.

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Ok, that is still kickass to use the index/middle finger to invert close a filed 2 but the way I read the post they were asking about inverted in the bottom of your hand, ie, the pinky/ring combo. Maybe I am reading wrong too? Either way, nice squeeze. When I try stuff 2 finger its more like a hold than a close, i have to set it very deep to be able to close at all.

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