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Newbie And Hand Soreness


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Hi guys, ive just got into grip training i have a coc Trainer and no. 1, also a 30lb block weight.

I did my first workout on Friday, I closed the Trainer 5x with both hands, and done some negatives with the No.1, but i couldnt hold it shut, more like parallel.

Then 5x lifts with each hand with the block.

I woke up the next day (Saturday) and my hands were so weak i could hardly make a fist, i looked through the gripboard archives and used some tips such as contrast baths, sleeping with gloves on and using chinese threapy balls. All these things helped out a little bit.

Its now 5 days since my last workout, i picked up the Trainer 2day, and couldnt even move it even half way without feeling a real soreness in my hands.

Is this normal, maybe i gotta ease myslef in slowly.

I thought i was :(


Edited by cajunjay
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Takes a bit of gettin' used to.

I remember the first time I used a thick bar. My forearms were sore for a while and I had been training for a few months.


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Everyone has their frequency and volume of training that suits them the best.

Personally, I just did a negative here and there through out the day in the beginning. Didn't care if I was sore or not. Did that for the first couple of days... and then rested for two. All of a sudden I could close the #1.. all within the first week.

I still train mostly the same, but have added some more volume and dropped the frequency a bit, as that seems to work better now.

It sure is a skill to know how much you can train without hurting yourself tho...

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I see what you mean about just carrying on and not worrying about the pain, but its coming from inside my hands sore tendons or something, also if i try sqeezing the gripper its as if ive got no strength.

Thats 6 days rest now, and only a little bit better, this is gonna take forever :(

I better stop posting now, and come back when im back training again


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Negatives give tendonitis very easy. Don't do them from start.

And ease into them gently when you do. They do have good potential for tendon strengthening as well for the same reason so at some point they are worth trying.

Some people eventually swear by them. Some very strong people never benefit from them.

But they are ALWAYS tougher on the hand recovery. (or recovery of any body part for that matter)

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Negatives give tendonitis very easy. Don't do them from start.

And ease into them gently when you do. They do have good potential for tendon strengthening as well for the same reason so at some point they are worth trying.

Some people eventually swear by them. Some very strong people never benefit from them.

But they are ALWAYS tougher on the hand recovery. (or recovery of any body part for that matter)

Wierd. That is not the case for me. Negatives are by far the easiest to recover from for me. Might be due to the fact that they don't tax the CNS as much as concentric or static work.

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This is strange. I have never had soreness the next day, and I am almost through my second cycle of KTA.

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When I first started training grip there were times when I couldn't hold onto a fork to eat. You'll get used to it. Just keep an eye on your hands and make sure they're just sore, not in pain. Pain means you're injured, soreness just means you trained hard.

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Wierd. That is not the case for me. Negatives are by far the easiest to recover from for me. Might be due to the fact that they don't tax the CNS as much as concentric or static work.

I mean recovery as in repair.

Not how long it takes to get the strength back when you don't really need repairs (as with CNS fatigue) I mean for that kind of recovery te powerball zapps gripper strength greatly. But not because it really taxes the gripping muscles/tendons very heavily.

By the way,eccentric training is used for tendon strengthening in therapy quite a lot

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The soreness was new to me as im really new to grip training, maybe i shouldnt even be on the gripboard as you guys are obviously much stonger than me im actually was happy when i manage to close the Trainer. lol

Today I done a little workout with the soreness and closed the Trainer only once with each hand but came close on many occasions but couldnt close it again, quite pathetic really but im only here to learn.

Im determined to get so much stronger grip wise and im in the right place so i'll continue plugging away and keep setting my goals as i progress.

I'll be trying to close the coc No. 1 soon i hope, i can only try my best.

Thanks for the support guys, i'll be on par with you guys 1 day

CAJUN :rock

p.s Im kinda drunk right now

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If your hands are sore you are normal. If you trained hard and your hands weren't sore you would be Abby Normal :stuart

Give it time and most of the soreness will stop after a hard session. Keep on plugging. (Read my signature)

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