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Last Issue Of Iron Grip Will Be Jan 2005

David Horne

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We've decided to finish off the mag with the last issue in January 2005 so that we can get all the year's events into this final issue.


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That's a bittersweet announcement. It will be sad to see Iron Grip discontinued, but I think we all anticipate the final issue with a bit of drool......

I'd personally love to see all the Iron Grips put into a bound collector's edition. I KNOW I'd buy one :D

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Alas, I put off subscribing too long and now it's too late. I like Pat's idea of a bound edition. I'd definitely buy one.

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If you'll consider another humble suggestion, I suspect there are a number of grip enthusiasts who would be interested in purchasing updated versions of your grip courses.

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Thanks guys. :blush

The biggest problem is time constraints. I have a large filing cabinet filled with files of contemporary information on strongmen and women from the 17th and 18th centuries (from near 7 years of research), and still have only managed to get the one (Topham) book out on this subject.

A few people have wanted to re-publish my courses, but I feel that although they were great for the time they are outdated now.

I suppose if time was no problem what I'd like to do now, especially since I'm retired from competition, would be to do a large 'Grip Strength Encyclopedia'.

Anyway 'time' will tell!


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I suppose if time was no problem what I'd like to do now, especially since I'm retired from competition, would be to do a large 'Grip Strength Encyclopedia'.

Ohhh, MAN would that be sweet...

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