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  1. Past hour
  2. Blacksmith513

    Blacksmith513 training log

    2000m rowed and some stretching
  3. Today


    Phat Boy has informed me these are actually called Prone Rows so that’s loads less typing for me .
  5. featsofalex

    FoA’s Bending, Feat’ing & More

    Double Update! Pull Day yesterday and volume bending today!!! Pull Day 4x8 bent over rows on the elite fts angled cambered bar (forget exact name!) at around 175 pounds. Superset Holle 45k Inch gorilla rows and mega thick rope cable low rows. That was it … or so I thought!!! My 3 GripSport Latino setting blocks arrived so I had to give them a try! Did a fun little 20mm/38mm/cc/38mm/20km Volume Bending Day! Today was the last session before Horrido 6.5” 10.9 rematch, and it felt good! Did 10 179mm bastards and one 170mm shiny in 66 hits, which means I was able to repeat the same 6 hit cadence 11 times in a row!!!
  6. Douglas Carney

    Doug Dude's Training Highlights

    York Legacy 105 Blob - Fun with Magnets 05-09-2024 Tried a York Legacy 110 Blob this afternoon but only broke the ground. So I dropped back down to 105 and added magnets to help me work up to the heavier Legacy blobs. Round 1 - York Legacy 105 Blob plus two Bare Steel Equipment Micro Stack Weight Pins (53.0 lb total) Musical Inspiration: "Among the Living" by Anthrax from the album "Among the Living" released in March 1987. Round 2 - York Legacy 105 Blob plus two Bare Steel Equipment Stubby Stack Weight Pins (55.6 lb total) Musical Inspiration: "Madhouse" by Anthrax from the album "Spreading the Disease" released in October 1985.
  7. Yesterday
  8. slazbob

    Last minute bidding!

    Mine are black as well…his title said it was custom so maybe they had that option at the time.
  9. slazbob

    Last minute bidding!

    Such a rare gripper to get at that price
  10. Busa

    Last minute bidding!

    Interesting as my John Brookfield G Gripper has a 73mm spread and a black spring I wonder if this is an earlier or latter version.
  11. Cannon

    Last minute bidding!

    Well this already sold
  12. SOCK BOY


    The only way I could think of to add a bit of weight to my rows.
  13. lloyd80s

    Last minute bidding!

    John Brookfield F Gripper up for sale on Ebay https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/386992813407?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=VaqEu18USEG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=VaqEu18USEG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  14. Aroostook Barbell

    New farmer Walk handles

  15. John Knowlton

    New farmer Walk handles

    They are 40 pounds each,two handles on each one. One side is a 2 inch handle. The other side is a one inch handle. A friend of mine just made them . he made three sets, one for the gym one for him and one for me. they are still hot from welding. Not sure if I’ll pay them or not.
  16. Climber028

    Can Dead hangs increase gripper strength

    Yes, but only in the beginning then it will have diminishing returns. Once you are between 30 seconds to a minute going much higher won't increase strength very much. It's definitely not the best way to train for grippers, but they are a good idea for a lot of reasons and there's always at least some carryover between grip movements
  17. Keet

    Keet's log

    Whole day physically intensive work and 3 hours with rubber donuts, driving home.
  18. Keet

    Can Dead hangs increase gripper strength

    In my experience it does. Especially with extenders.
  19. SOCK BOY


    Thurs 9/4/24 Inc Bench Seal Rows/ Face Pulls 32k x 8 42k x 6 x 3 face pulls Bans 5 x 10 Inc Pin Press/ Pull Aparts Bar x 5 40k x 3 60k x 3 80k x F 70k 3 Pull Aparts Band 5 x 10 Reverse Cone 30k x 2 35k x 2 40k x 1 45k x 1 47.5k x lh 1 Rh Bf 50k x lh 1,1 Rh Bf (51.4k PB) 52.5k F Behind Back Reverse Wrist Curls 10k x 10 20k x 10 x 3 Only did a couple of exercises tonight as I was ruined from the heat at work today . Been loading tiles all day & certainly feeling it. Whilst the weather is nice I might switch sess to mornings before I go work. Going to look at probably doing shorter sessions with just a couple exercises so I don’t overtrain or try my cns. Going to think about it tonight. Going to put my feet up & rest tonight.
  20. I currently started to do dead hangs. First time 3 days ago. For my first try I got 68 sec at 89 kg. Then for a one arm dead hang eight handed just over 9 sec. Is this a good practice to carryover to gripper strength and what about pullups and chin ups ?
  21. Blacksmith513

    Blacksmith513 training log

    Bingo yup... They already do! it was a 3 hour round trip, something that should only take an hour. Plus I gotta go back roads because the truck staties are out in the morning and love to pull over anyone in a truck and they always find something. I can't figure out why they do it and why theres a daily limit each dump can take. My guess is as a state maybe for environmental reasons if they keep it under a certain figure for the year maybe theres a federal kickback? At the end of the day it all comes down to money. meanwhile you have diesel trucks idling longer, driving further to go to the dumps ect ect
  22. SOCK BOY


    Wed 8/5/24 Band knee flex/ Face pulls Blue band 10 x 5 Face pulls 10 x 5 Banded Leg Curls /Band pull aparts Red band 5 x 15 pull aparts 5 x 10 Kb leg ext / pallof press 8k 5 x 10 pallof press 5 x 10 e/s Hub 12.5k x 2 15k x 1 16.25k x 1 lh fail 17.25k x 1 18.25k x F 17k x 1, 1 17.5k x 1 ( 20.15k with pin & hub PB) Bar wrist rolls / Band press downs Bar 5 x 10 Press downs 5 x 10 Having issues with my right knee. Thought I’d try to get some blood in around the knee. Thought this sess may prime me for some big deads tomorrow night. Mainly accessories done today . Can’t be a full blown sess every sess.
  23. CruxGripman

    Keet's log

    Nice, Iron for 5 reps is pretty solid
  24. povmaciulis ARMLIFTING

    I got a 7 gripper Powerball set and I love it

    Yeah i have 25 tubs
  25. CruxGripman

    I got a 7 gripper Powerball set and I love it

    That’s a lot of G fuel
  26. CruxGripman

    Blacksmith513 training log

    Seems pretty counter productive eh, especially if there is a high demand, I imagine this will just get worse over time until they increase the limits. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. If it gets really bad you’ll probably start seeing people dumping their debris off under bridges or on the outskirts of town
  27. CruxGripman

    Todays Workout

    Yeah these are damn cool eh
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